Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Definitely see your point. On the other hand, I've turned down beans, and given many away, because of a backlog of beans already waiting in line. Perhaps it wasn't disrespect at all, but honesty in a courteous manner? :blsmoke:
Maybe your right. But its gage green not barneys or some fly by night company. I don't know what they were giving but 110 a pack plus 30 for shipping at the attitude that's like turning down a free BJ.
Maybe your right. But its gage green not barneys or some fly by night company. I don't know what they were giving but 110 a pack plus 30 for shipping at the attitude that's like turning down a free BJ.
Well my grade school teacher,told me too write between the lines....which helps me read between the lines....

It's hard to keep fake hate going.....

This is MY opinion...

No more Jo talk,so now it's clone talk.....if its not GGG,I'll be sweeping it,in the trash!!!
IMO, fridge. Not nearly as durastic because that is more like pressing the pause button on them for potentially five years but if you plan on getting to them within 1-2 it is easier to take them out occasionally to pop new ones from the fridge. Where as @Mad Hamish mentioned earlier, you need to take a bit more care when taking seed containers out of the freezer for condensation, not that isn't a worry for a fridge but just a little less.

Oh and thought I would mention it since we are talking about easy predetermination of sex, my pops used to tell me that you could tell if it was a male by looking at the butthole on the seed, big butthole it is probably a boy, tight butthole probably a girl. I just brushed it off lol as his "theory of buttholes" lol but maybe he knows something I dont.
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This is a very good, and very timely question: what IS the best long term storage method for buds?
i saw a video, long, long, time ago, where arjan from ghs, cured his trimmed nugs in the freezer. dont know if he still does it or what.
but it did get me curious. maybe little secrets to make it better?
hairs no hairs still just as useless to me.
Thanks so much for all the detail you gave me! I know these kind of plants pretty well by now, the tricksters. I pointed out to Pie a while ago (her luck swung the other way though) that I have noticed a lot of very strange primordial flowers from Jo crosses. They look like a girl, then BAM! Balls. OR they look like a boy and the flower opens into a little leaf, that turns into a branch. But the plant ends up female. At least one (in the first pics) is still hanging in the balance IMO. You see those flowers that look like a ball with a 'fingernail' of leafiness at the tip? Those will end up as leaves. No guarantees on sex yet if that be the case, but the next few days might deliver a few surprises. Once you get to know the trickster primordials it just teaches a tiny bit more patience in waiting for sex to show.
Thanks so much for all the detail you gave me! I know these kind of plants pretty well by now, the tricksters. I pointed out to Pie a while ago (her luck swung the other way though) that I have noticed a lot of very strange primordial flowers from Jo crosses. They look like a girl, then BAM! Balls. OR they look like a boy and the flower opens into a little leaf, that turns into a branch. But the plant ends up female. At least one (in the first pics) is still hanging in the balance IMO. You see those flowers that look like a ball with a 'fingernail' of leafiness at the tip? Those will end up as leaves. No guarantees on sex yet if that be the case, but the next few days might deliver a few surprises. Once you get to know the trickster primordials it just teaches a tiny bit more patience in waiting for sex to show.

It's almost as suspenseful as finding out the gender of your baby. When you find out you're pregnant you are usually 2 months along and you can't find out by ultrasound until you are 4mo +.

Even then if the baby keeps it's legs shut, or squirms too much, you are left in the dark.
Cherry Jo Reveg day 6


Tons of healthy fans on both plants. Hoping for some action soon.

I have too much free time on my hands and it causes me to forget how little time has passed.

Any tips for repotting these behemoths into 7s? (after they reveg) Should I go tens?

Yes I have alot of fans.
It's almost as suspenseful as finding out the gender of your baby. When you find out you're pregnant you are usually 2 months along and you can't find out by ultrasound until you are 4mo +.

Even then if the baby keeps it's legs shut, or squirms too much, you are left in the dark.
Lol yeah I know... we didn't even have these newfangled 3d scans. We had to go 'that blob MIGHT be an arm, whoops no that's your cervix, now THIS blob...'
One of my golden goat's is dying wtf I am not happy I went to look in on them and 3/4 are looking awesome and 1 out of 4 is bent over and dead, I think I went too rough on the transplant and she never fully and learn.
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