Legalize Ecstacy ?

It's trivial to make safrole from building blocks we're not going to run out of.
I don't see recreational drugs getting legalized for awhile. Look at how hard it is with pot and that ruins far less lives than other drugs of abuse. Also powers that be don't like drugs that encourage us to question the status quo. I think we're more likely to see OTC heroine than MDMA.
Ya that's w
It's trivial to make safrole from building blocks we're not going to run out of.
I don't see recreational drugs getting legalized for awhile. Look at how hard it is with pot and that ruins far less lives than other drugs of abuse. Also powers that be don't like drugs that encourage us to question the status quo. I think we're more likely to see OTC heroine than MDMA.
ya that's why I think our goverment made LSD illegal they don't like it when the sheeple start to question things. But if we could get enough support for the movement we could get the laws changed state by state just like Marijuana
Assuming I was able to get enough signatures does anybody know how much it would cost to get a proposition on a the state ballot for vote excluding advertising costs?
Assuming I was able to get enough signatures does anybody know how much it would cost to get a proposition on a the state ballot for vote excluding advertising costs?
We don't even have 60% in favor of legalizing weed just over 50% where in favor of medical marijuana in FL they needed 60% to pass it shits worthless to really try hard to get harder drugs legal. A lot more than 60% have tried weed but they wont win a vote in the south to legalize weed for a few years anyway. After weed is legal nationwide we may have a chance on harder drugs but we got probably 10 years if not more in some states.

And like Duck said heroin would be first cause they can actually handle junkies better if it was legal and it seems like more use heroin in my area.
Assuming I was able to get enough signatures does anybody know how much it would cost to get a proposition on a the state ballot for vote excluding advertising costs?
I personally think your wasting your time. Id vote no to any type of legal ecstasy and im sure most of the people growing on this site would be with me on this. Those drugs are just too dangerous to put in the hands of the public. Ive personally dumped ice water on a friend seizuring and foaming at the mouth while oding on that shit. He snapped out of it. Someone called 911 and the paramedics showed up but he wouldnt go with them, he was ok in a couple of hours. So if you ever see that going on, cold water to the face as fast as possible, just sayin. Stay safe.
Pretty sure they tried to make a "legal ecstasy" in Australia. Now there's tons of piprazine based rolls floating around... Paul Franks/Bart Simpsons anybody?
Pretty sure they tried to make a "legal ecstasy" in Australia. Now there's tons of piprazine based rolls floating around... Paul Franks/Bart Simpsons anybody?
Ya I heard about that piperazine is a nasty synthetic chemical though and can't really be compared to real MDMA,MDA
recall that mdma was legal and quite popular for some time
. It was not scheduled because if any racism like pot and cocaine, it was not scheduled because it was addictive.

it was made illegal because of a political phenomenon called "weeping mom syndrome".

a child or young adult who's parents had political influence got into some sort of trouble, usually by being stupid.

politicians love weeping moms. They are perfect for political mock heroism and that is what happened with mama. The analog act didn't help either considering the dea can pretty much write law now.

try pettioning the des.

ah the legal stuff that came out of Texas was fine.
I personally think your wasting your time. Id vote no to any type of legal ecstasy and im sure most of the people growing on this site would be with me on this. Those drugs are just too dangerous to put in the hands of the public. I've personally dumped ice water on a friend seizing and foaming at the mouth while oding on that shit. He snapped out of it. Someone called 911 and the paramedics showed up but he wouldnt go with them, he was ok in a couple of hours. So if you ever see that going on, cold water to the face as fast as possible, just sayin. Stay safe.
exactly what you said is why Ecstasy should be in a legal regulated market it sounds to me like you're friend got some X that was cut with something Nasty more and more cases like this are popping up when you make a drug illegal and there is a demand for it you create a criminal market there are no standards for peoples health and safety on the black market this is not about peoples personal opinions on weather or not ecstasy is safe this is about harm reduction if someone is going to make the decition to take ecstasy wouldn't you want to ensure what they were takeing was safe and not cut with some nasty chemical adulterant? By the way how much Ecstacy did you're buddy take how do you know it was pure MDMA did you have it lab tested? or at least tested it wit a 4 panel regnent test kit? or did you just take some guys word for it?
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recall that mdma was legal and quite popular for some time
. It was not scheduled because if any racism like pot and cocaine, it was not scheduled because it was addictive.

it was made illegal because of a political phenomenon called "weeping mom syndrome".

a child or young adult who's parents had political influence got into some sort of trouble, usually by being stupid.

politicians love weeping moms. They are perfect for political mock heroism and that is what happened with mama. The analog act didn't help either considering the dea can pretty much write law now.

try pettioning the des.

ah the legal stuff that came out of Texas was fine.
I'm to young to remember a time when ecstasy was legal but what a wonderful time it must have been I agree with you on the weeping mom syndrome they did similar things with LSD just a bunch of snobs trying to get there spoiled ass trust fund babies off the hook for something stupid they did by blaming the drugs I don't think petitioning the DEA would do much good these are the same people that claim Cocaine is better for you than Marijuana and have also refused to remove Marijuana from its Schedule 1 status!
MDMA will be rescheduled in the next few years despite DEA bitching because the military will be pushing hard for it. It might make it all the way down to schedule III.

You can thank a bunch of traumatized veterans and MAPS for that.
MDMA will be rescheduled in the next few years despite DEA bitching because the military will be pushing hard for it. It might make it all the way down to schedule III.

You can thank a bunch of traumatized veterans and MAPS for that.
You think so? some other people on here were saying about 10 years or more before we see prescription MDMA I know they have been doing tons of research on MDMA's effects on PTSD I wonder how widely avalible it will be
Bear in mind legal MDMA will be almost undivertable. It will only be dosed by qualified professionals in controlled settings.
Bear in mind legal MDMA will be almost undivertable. It will only be dosed by qualified professionals in controlled settings.
that sounds more similar to what there doing right now there are way too many people out there with PTSD and other severely debilitating mental illnesses that it would be impossible to have a qualified professional dose each individual person plus for a drug to be prescribed in the manner discussed it would half to be dropped to a schedule 3 or at least 2 which would put it in the same class as heavy legue pain killers such as OxyContin or Morphine which means they could be prescribed to you by a doctor.
that sounds more similar to what there doing right now there are way too many people out there with PTSD and other severely debilitating mental illnesses that it would be impossible to have a qualified professional dose each individual person plus for a drug to be prescribed in the manner discussed it would half to be dropped to a schedule 3 or at least 2 which would put it in the same class as heavy legue pain killers such as OxyContin or Morphine which means they could be prescribed to you by a doctor.
That's the model being used in the MAPS clinical trials which are what is going to be used to get it rescheduled. The point of MDMA assisted psychotherapy is the psychotherapy. What the drug does is helps put people in a state where they can drop their guard and freely talk about troubling events. Generally people have one or two sessions with the drug and then do the rest of the time as regular therapy.
Think of an anesthetic. Technically any doctor could write a prescription for Ultiva but regular pharmacies aren't going to have it and are going to raise some inquiries about why a doctor is prescribing it like that. It happens from time to time. Michael Jackson was getting propofol at home, but that is supremely rare.