IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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Just trying to understand Wizard. It does get brief but elegantly correct.

I figured it out. Those are multipliers of each nm in the SPD. Hey did I tell you I flunked LED. Nah. We didn't have LED, we didn't even have calculators.

And did you know, Isamu Akasaki inventor of the Blue LED in 1992, was awarded the Noble Prize for that in 2014?
It's only because man is smart and people are stupid. Yes call me fan boy my lights are only gonna get better and better leds have advanced faster than hid lights and countries and states in the us are now using leds and one day the incandescent bulb will be like the dodo bird extinct.
That is one of the most abused quotes from America's independence period. Franklin said that in 1755. It was republished in 1775 at the height of the rebellion against England. In 1788 Franklin was a Federalist, supporting the proposed constitution which was ratified in 1789. He argued against libertarians like Jefferson who wished to retain state sovereignty under the loose and powerless Articles of Confederation.

In other words, Franklin was willing to give up liberty for safety. What was "essential" to others wasn't to him. (The same fundamental principle of politics every generation since has reckoned with.).

Worse, just 6 years prior to the revolution, Franklin was in London. At that time, John Wilkes was a radical politician critical of King George, so popular he was elected to parliament three times -- from *prison*. Tensions between his supporters and the King culminated in the St. George's Field Massacre where troops fired on Wilkes supporters, killing 7 and wounding 15.

Four days later, Franklin wrote from London: "Some punishment seems preparing for a people who are ungratefully abusing the ... best king any nation was ever blessed with ..."

Six years later, Franklin and others were radicals like Wilkes, hiding from the the same King George, calling him a tyrant.

Politicians have always been the same. Changing positions, expedient, telling groups what they want to hear. Franklin excelled at this.

History class over. Back to math.
Hey guys was looking for a 1000w replacement originally was looking at the Spyder 1200 but I havent heard much about it in this thread, a lot of people are liking the Area51 lights so I am looking towards those now.

What you guys think? Spyder 1200, 2 of the Area 51 RW150, Wait for the new Area 51 or DIY it with some Crees?
4 A51 RW150 or 4 AT200s. I would stay away from the spyders until until they get there head out there ass and drop the price 20-30%.
Any decent 300 watt leds out there for around $200 ? I know nothing about less and soon it'll be too hot for hids . Thanks
NO! Only DIY and AZ,Supra,GG can guide ya through that! Oh yeah I read back couple pages and holy shit. It is crazy in here. The LED guys are so far ahead of the other techs! Seems like its the only one movin forward!
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It's only because man is smart and people are stupid. Yes call me fan boy my lights are only gonna get better and better leds have advanced faster than hid lights and countries and states in the us are now using leds and one day the incandescent bulb will be like the dodo bird extinct.
Who called you a fanboy?

Not the kind of petty insult I would use. Too tame :)

Man is smart and people are stupid.

That doesn't sound very smart.
Or we could aCREE to dis a CREE
Or we could diss a cree build.
That is actually a profoundly intelligent statement. Take a look at group vs individual IQ and decision making results. Groups are abysmal at intelligence/decision making. People or groups are stupid, individuals at least can be smart.

Oh come on. Did you ever realze that 1/2 the people you will ever know are below average intelligence?

And the brighter you are the harder you are to work with?

I only work with groups in tech. One engineer's decision making is abysmal. It doesn't matter if they are Steve Jobs or James Gosling (JAVA) they cannot function alone.

Nothing of any note has been done single highhandedly except solution to thorny math problems.
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