I agree Chris, I am grateful he is standing up. It's only through anarchy that things will change." I'm willing to go down for the cause," he said.
Good on him. I think he may just get a date with a judge, but it is another step in the normalization of marijuana. We're not going to end prohibition by following Steve's rules, so pushing the envelope is important. This guy is willing to take the hit to flaunt the law which imo helps the cause for legalization.
Yes rnr, isn't it shameful how in one part of this great country you can do this. While in another part of the country they arrest you and try to ruin people's lives....all while they drink on.funny how in bc you can have a smoke pizza shop with other shops attached to the cronic lounge. and in sask, you could get raided for friends smoking inside a building lol. don't advertise and hold it in your basement like we did 30 yrs ago lol
Lewis said it best "if you argue about pot being bad yet you drink, you're a F*&^%NG hypocrite"...i agree with that.Yes rnr, isn't it shameful how in one part of this great country you can do this. While in another part of the country they arrest you and try to ruin people's lives....all while they drink on.
Hypocrite bastards.
I've had several run-in's with the law in my life over this subject. We all pay a price for ignorance by alcohol drinking hypocrites.
I meant this part: "Saskatoon Police were not aware of the lounge until contacted by CBC. It's on their radar now."looks more like free advertising
To me it's the only argument that needs to be made...if you drink.....STFU ..you got NO say. So that will include just about every politician and cop who has ever worked against us. I would like to see them jailed. Then I will be happyI wont touch a drop of booze, but love me cannabis!
yup hypocrites!