Legalize Ecstacy ?


Well-Known Member
Hey all my rollitup homie's I'm curious why there is not more of an effort to legalize other drugs such as Ecstacy (MDMA) (MDA) I personally feel that these drugs are safe when used responsibly and most widely avalible pharmacutical drugs are more dangorous as a bonus if it were legalized it could generate tax revenue like Marijuana and people would not half to worry about Molly cut with PMA becuase it would be manufactured in a controlled and regulated enviroment what do you guys think should Ecstacy be legalized? I also wanted to conduct a survey to find out how many people in my state would support something like this what would be the best way to go about doing that?
Hey all my rollitup homie's I'm curious why there is not more of an effort to legalize other drugs such as Ecstacy (MDMA) (MDA) I personally feel that these drugs are safe when used responsibly and most widely avalible pharmacutical drugs are more dangorous as a bonus if it were legalized it could generate tax revenue like Marijuana and people would not half to worry about Molly cut with PMA becuase it would be manufactured in a controlled and regulated enviroment what do you guys think should Ecstacy be legalized? I also wanted to conduct a survey to find out how many people in my state would support something like this what would be the best way to go about doing that?
Do all of us a favor and stop doing drugs bro. If you think molly is anywhere near what real ecstasy was when it wasnt powder and that should be legal, then i feel bad for the next generation of mda lovers. These new drugs are weak and cut to where the love drug isnt even there. Tell your boss to up the love kay?
Do all of us a favor and stop doing drugs bro. If you think molly is anywhere near what real ecstasy was when it wasnt powder and that should be legal, then i feel bad for the next generation of mda lovers. These new drugs are weak and cut to where the love drug isnt even there. Tell your boss to up the love kay?
I have all my Ecstacy tested through an independent lab explain to me why you would rather have ecstacy in the black market where there is no quality control don't you think it's better to have it manufactured in a regulated controlled enviroment where there are standards for people's health and safety. Yes there are a lot of people out there doing fucked up shit like cutting there Molly with PMA but there is still is good (MDMA) (MDA) to be safe you should always buy a 4 panel test kit one to test for the presence of MDMA and the others to see if any dangorous cuts have been added but this would not be nessary if it were legal
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I've looked into M.A.P.S before I think is absolutely wonderful what there doing study's have shown that Ecstacy and other psychedelics when used responsibly are far more effective than prescription drugs but I was thinking of getting it legalized the same way medical marijuana was legalized with a ballot initiative.
Plenty of other widely avalible prescription drugs have lower LD50s than Molly how does this keep it from being legalized?
Not As a random level as most prescription drugs...
I think mainly the random reactions are my point...too many hospital visits would occur...
There's always gonna be that one person that has just one lil bump and goes on a ride...
I see what your saying some people just aren't capable of moderation most deaths from Ecstacy have been a result of PMA contamination nasty stuff but as far as deaths from the pure drug itself there really are hardly any to speak of one man died after the army injected him with 500mg MDA but that's a half a gram!! I think most people just get overwhelmed by the effects and have a bad trip like I did with Acid that one time but I do think there might be hope for a movement like this just need to figure out how many people nation wide would actualley vote for something like this?
I think most people have more things to worry about than legalizing ecstasy
So you are in favor of our countries failed drug policies then? Why don't you look at Portugal as an example they have legalized all drugs and crime rates have dropped drastically.
Lol,couldn't find the expose,but I found an ol favorite,and he uses her voice and speech from the show and over dubs it to house...kinda a 'fuck you' for all the shit she cause in the never recovered and probably won't.
Hell no their ain't enough sassafras trees for it to be legalized probably the biggest reason your most likely to get the Chinese chemical shit than actual MDMA.
Hell no their ain't enough sassafras trees for it to be legalized probably the biggest reason your most likely to get the Chinese chemical shit than actual MDMA.
Nah,you can get liters oc the oil legally online..
The knock offs are more abundant cause they're legal (ish)..
I think I'd studies could be conducted,there could be an easier synthesis for an even stronger compound ...
Nah,you can get liters oc the oil legally online..
The knock offs are more abundant cause they're legal (ish)..
I think I'd studies could be conducted,there could be an easier synthesis for an even stronger compound ...
Really I have looked everywhere online and have not been able to find anything for sale over 500ml and the price ridiculous