lol, yeah, i smoked the majority of my first yield that way...all immature and shit. it just looked so good! suffice to say that the final harvest was significantly smaller than originally planneddry today well i think i could find some scraps around the house i hide it in all kinds of places for occasions like this. shitty part is my grow slowed up this time and it is about 2 weeks away from harvest i may pick one just to hold me over
Be careful, October is right around the corner.I'm dry, too. And losing weight already.Actually, considering what a problem weight control has become for me, I shouldn't laugh. I'm waiting to turn into Humpty Dumpty with big tits.
i could'nt take it anymore i needed to smoke so i took the life of one of my ladies.
then i realized it takes at least a week to dry so i'm still bummin. at least this should tide me over until my other ones finish up
i just picked up a 7 grm bag of schwag for 50...a gram is stem...i know a quo is like 25 - 30...