fuckin spidermites...


Well-Known Member
so i actually started off with two plants not knowing how bad the first one was doing since she was an outdoor i moved indoor, but i know better now. my last living girl is about three weeks into flower and these spidermites are gettin WAYYYYY too comfortable. how can i stop this before they fuck up my harvest? also whats with her getting so "unperky? at first all her branches pointed straight outward but now it seems like she is always tired. is there anything i can do to stop this? and the super skinny fingers!!! HELP!!!!!!!!



Active Member
Sorry to see that, I tried growing Salvia D. twice and both times they got infested by these little nastlings. One of the best ways is to use a lightweight pesticide such as Pyrethryn which is an all natural extract from tree roots. It works by breaking down the exoskeleton on the bug, basically dehydrating them to a critical stage. Payback!! since thats what they are doing to your plants at the moment... sucking the intercellular fluid from the leaves and stem, making it appear constantly wilted. :evil:


Active Member
Here is a pic of what the spray looks like. Found it on the planet natural website. The smallest size is 8 oz. though which is a bit big. Also you should be able to find a similar product at a good greenhouse or garden store. Just tell them your insect situation and they should be able to hook you up for way less than the 13 bucks PN wants for it.




Well-Known Member
good luck, can also try neem oil, do 3 applications a few days apart. Combo up on the neem and pyrethym and that hopefully will do the trick. They are hard to kill totally, once you harvest do a thorough cleaning and bugbomb the place.


Well-Known Member
i actually found a solution right here on riu. a combo of tobacco, cyanne pepper, and a little dish soap as recommended by chimera. im letting it boil right now to stop the possibility of tobacco mosaic virus and then imma hit those little bastards with some good ol fashioned nicotine!


Well-Known Member
ya check out my thread https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/96438-i-dont-have-spider-mites.html those little bastards are really tough... i tried hot pepper spray, safer soap, neem oil, dishwashing soap, fox farm dont bug me, and every combo under the sun.. also bombed with a .05 percent and a 4.0 percent pyrethrum bomb and the lil bastards still lived.. I am currently brewing some nicotine tea which I will spray tomorrow and I will let you know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
yea i've used Neem Oil before and i'm still waiting for the results I haven't seen any for a few days but i'm not holding my breath they aren't coming back...

let me know how that tobacco works


Well-Known Member
um some dishsoaps have bleach in them...be careful....use pyrethrin a few times it works fine...you have to spray every fuckin millimeter of your plants though....and the soil.....every last inch:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i used two seperate pyrethrum bombs a .05 percent and a commercial greenhouse grade 4.0 percent.. this was in a 150 sq foot area with bombs made for over 3000 sq foot... pyrethrum doenst always work :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i used two seperate pyrethrum bombs a .05 percent and a commercial greenhouse grade 4.0 percent.. this was in a 150 sq foot area with bombs made for over 3000 sq foot... pyrethrum doenst always work :mrgreen:
pyrethrin.....for most mites.....you crazy mite makin mothafucka.....lol...yeah i read your thread:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
how fucking common are these damn little fuckers, im so lucky i havn't encountered them with my grow yet. how they fuck are they so domestic now goddamn im worried about my girls reading all these spidermite posts


Well-Known Member
they are the most common problem us growers face... they can become immune to whatever we throw at them from generation to generation its sick... check on my spidermite thread Seamaiden gave me a nicotine tea recipe that hopefully killed the assholes


Well-Known Member
Hi KidCreole - you've got some good advice there regarding your spidermites. With regard to the drooping, how often and how much water are you giving her?


Well-Known Member
yea shes a little wilted from lack of water. wasnt home all week, gonna fix that tomorrow. smoked too much and now i got a headache...