Old guy does first grow.

Get a hardcopy calendar and keep it near the plants. Mark down your significant dates, eg. germinate, lighting, water, feed, all that stuff. Number the start date 1 then mark all the dates 2 3 4 5 etc. up to 50. It will come in handy next time, and keep you busy while time crawls by. Works for me. Oh and I name my plants and play Mozart cds to them.
Get a hardcopy calendar and keep it near the plants. Mark down your significant dates, eh. germinate, lighting, water, feed, all that stuff. Number the start date 1 then mark all the dates 2 3 4 5 etc. up to 50. It will come in handy next time, and keep you busy while time crawls by. Works for me. Oh and I name my plants and play Mozart cds to them.
I do mark stuff on a calendar as you suggested. I like the idea of naming the plants and will do so after some careful consideration. I play Metallica tunes to my Sativa strains and Jackson Browne to the Indicas.
I do mark stuff on a calendar as you suggested. I like the idea of naming the plants and will do so after some careful consideration. I play Metallica tunes to my Sativa strains and Jackson Browne to the Indicas.
I tried Def Leopard, they wilted.
Yipes ! Mogul bases, ballasts, HPS, ferts, Indica, Sativa, fans, carbon filters. Dudes, in 1969 I simply told my buddy I wanted some pot. I handed him $20 and he handed me an ounce.
It's a little bit more of a science these days I will grant ya that !
"Smoked some overseas too but that's a whole other thing."

Sounds like maybe you served in Viet Nam, Camo Hat. Whether you did or did not, I doff my own camo hat in tribute to those who served. You already know the Pentagon's unwitting contribution to high grade cannabis; send disenfranchised young men into battle in a non-winnable war, in an area of the world loaded with strong drugs, and they will take said drugs to briefly get relief from the horror and depression of combat and witnessing suffering. And then they will bring those drugs home. Most returning Americans reentered the states via NoCal military bases, and they were exempt from customs. The weed was distributed locally, and the Humboldt county growing legend was born.

Before those bright green, crystal coated, seedless buds, everything was red and gold and seedy because the plants matured completely before harvest. Mostly though, there was the harsh, leafy, horrible commercial Mexican weed that dominated the market of the era. There was primo Mexican, but it didn't usually make it out of Mexico.

You're a bright guy, and you'll get lots of good advice and know how to follow what is right for you. I don't take a very serious approach to this hobby - I'm still busy working. So I like it to be low time investment. I use soil. You'll have no problem finding Coast of Maine lobster compost. I use it straight up with 10% perlite added. Add a pinch of mychorizae and you're good! I suppose HID is the method of choice for the serious grower. I'm an LED man because they were painless to accrue over the course of several months as my first grow happened. And they are moderately effective. I get about .5 gram/watt, and that's half the standard, but it suits me fine. Quality commercial fertilizers work well without the expense of boutique organics. Silicon is a must! I credit it to the lustrous, vibrant health of the girl in the pictures.

She is 90 days old today, and was grown from a seed stuck in the soil, 12/12. Actually 13.5/10.5. Works well for me. Her grow room mate, a sativa, is 11 months old now, has been flowering since August 2014, and has delivered over 2 ounces of great bud, which I gently pluck one bud at a time, apply aloe or saliva to the wound, and vape fresh. Delicious and strong! I pollinated her with an Indica male, and there are about 100 seeds in 5 small buds. The first ever I germinated grew a root, and then died off. Could be the female is too old to make viable seed. I'm letting the rest mature on the plant. Another month and it will be her 1st birthday! A full year growing, and some folk think I make that up. Why would I? I have nothing to prove, only to share experience.

Best of luck, and may all your trichomes be cloudy! ...get yourself a digital microscope, mate.


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I used to smoke some hellacious bud (we called it grass) and watch night time artillery strikes launched from offshore. I've managed to forget most of what I experienced over there but to this very day, the sound of a helicopter brings me back.

Every kind of drug imaginable was easily obtainable and I obtained just about all of them. A shocking number of guys died from OD'ing. Their names were not included on The Wall in Washington D.C. until relatively recently.

All that was long ago. I feel like it happened to someone else and in a way, it did.

Your old plant story is amazing. I never thought of picking fruit before ! Lovely photos too.

I'm approaching this as a hobby. I have no interest in selling weed. I just want to have some fun and learn something new. I have terrible bouts of insomnia and the few times I acquired pot last year it helped me sleep. I don't think the red wine I drank with it hurt anything.

I'm in the process of applying for a medical marijuana card but I'm not sure I'll go through with it. Apparently the state I live in wants MM patients to register with the state. I don't like that.

I've got a lot of composted chicken manure and garden trimmings. I'll use some of it when it thaws out. I'll be as green as I can with my plants.

I've already ordered a little microscope.

Thanks for your post, Father.
Here's are two week portraitswide.jpg wide.jpg of "Leafy" and "Wide." I fed lightly a couple of days ago. Keeping the soil lightly moist and getting the CFL's as close as possible to the plants. Fan on. Humidfier in the box.


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I know you could do better on the names. I've got Mary, Jane, Juanita and Phoenix. Phoenix disappeared after a transplant and resurrected after a week. Moist soil is best. Don't kill them with kindness. Do they have a "dark" time to sleep?
I used to smoke some hellacious bud (we called it grass) and watch night time artillery strikes launched from offshore. I've managed to forget most of what I experienced over there but to this very day, the sound of a helicopter brings me back.

Every kind of drug imaginable was easily obtainable and I obtained just about all of them. A shocking number of guys died from OD'ing. Their names were not included on The Wall in Washington D.C. until relatively recently.

All that was long ago. I feel like it happened to someone else and in a way, it did.

Your old plant story is amazing. I never thought of picking fruit before ! Lovely photos too.

I'm approaching this as a hobby. I have no interest in selling weed. I just want to have some fun and learn something new. I have terrible bouts of insomnia and the few times I acquired pot last year it helped me sleep. I don't think the red wine I drank with it hurt anything.

I'm in the process of applying for a medical marijuana card but I'm not sure I'll go through with it. Apparently the state I live in wants MM patients to register with the state. I don't like that.

I've got a lot of composted chicken manure and garden trimmings. I'll use some of it when it thaws out. I'll be as green as I can with my plants.

I've already ordered a little microscope.

Thanks for your post, Father.
Being a Canadian we never went through the agony of Vietnam. I did work with a couple of guys who crossed the border to join up for the "adventure". They always said they regretted it. Two of my kids are in the Canadian forces and one did a couple of rotations in Afghanistan. That was the only time I was seriously worried. Maybe there will be a future generation who won't have to know what a war is, but I doubt it. My current read is "Canada and the Cold War" full of dirty little secrets from 1946-1991. There's a lot of skeletons in the closet, and we're just pawns.
I haven't grown from seed.
This thread is 9 days old.
Is it normal for a seedling to grow so slow?
It doesn't look like its changed much.
Hoare - I feel that they're growing slowly too but posters here tell me no to worry.

retyred- They're on an 18/6 schedule.

Yeah, the names are kind of lame but it's too late now.

People are stupid, greedy and hateful. I don't hold out much hope for us.
[QUOTE="Camo Hat, post: 11419094, member: 898267"

People are stupid, greedy and hateful. I don't hold out much hope for us.[/QUOTE]

Yes I , agree!
Lookin great so far!! Once she gets some more leafs on her she will speed up.

In no time at all you will have a pound! ;)