2400w Vertical Monster


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I had started a while ago about my system I was building but went ahead and deleted it because I was delayed a tad bit and didnt want to leave you guys hangin. Anyways just got it all tuned in and am loving it.. just hopin I can keep them all happy considering the different stages of growth..

I started with 30 clones and cloned them which is why the ones on the top are small single colas and the ones on the lower levels are bushier and take up more room. I have about 55 total in the system right now but it is built to hold 85 which I will do next time. It also has plenty of room on the top to add another level if my little heart desires.

About the system:
85 sites
4 600w lumatek digital ballasts with eye hortilux bulbs hung vertically
3 levels with gutters and feed lines that have 4mm inline valves to regulate flow.
I do not have an exhaust right now I am waiting for it to come in but I do have a 747 cfm can filter for an intake with fans circulating
40 gallon res
2000+ gph water pump

as far as the lighting goes I run one side for 8 hours and the other side for 8 hours so that there is a 2 hour gap mid day where all four lights run on the 12 12 schedule.. when there are about 3 weeks left I will run both sides 12/12

Thats about all for now feel free to ask any questions.
Oh ya and with 55 plants my goal this time is to hit 1.0 gpw with the strain LSD (Lavendar x Sour Diesel)

The first four pics are of the building of the system so you can kinda tell how its laid out. the next pics are of plants and the last pics are the completed system



Well-Known Member
heres the completed system with babies in it..well except for the first one... and some of them look backwards because I took pictures in a mirror due to space constraints... forgot to mention interior area is 4x8 total system exterior is about 10 x 6.

Last picture shows how them growing vertically really makes the node intervals much smaller compared to the 2 weeks or so they were flowering in the bathroom haha

btw the bigger ones are at day 22 the smaller ones at the top around day 15



Well-Known Member
update : had one of the larger babies die while I was on vacation because my dumbass had the feed line turned off like an idiot.. The rest are looking good.
I forgot to mention that I am using RO plus GH 3 part nutes with a few additions such as a bloom booster, h2o2 and calmag.

Also look at the very last pic of the top cola,, growing vertically has made them so much more compact I cannot wait to see them when i have a full system next go around!!

Feel free to chime in and ask any questions or make a comment! Dont be shy!


Well-Known Member
Nice set up. I have an apartment grow also. My wife only gave me 4 sq ft x 8 ft tall. Plus the are over the sink in the half bath. (good for clones and 3 mothers)

I only have a 430 watt light and some cfl's for side light.

check out my grow (signature) I like to trade tips on how to grow in an apartment. It's long maybe just check out the last few pages as that is where most of the area pics are at.

Good luck and good grow.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys... noticed today that I have some spider mite problems and since they aren't very far into flowering (and its probably the latest I am willing to do it) I am going to fog them out today and kill those little fucks and follow up with safer soap and neem oil!

On a better note they are finally starting to get an aroma about them... its a faint sour smell combined with the sweet plant smell if you know what I mean. Cant wait till they start stinkin up my whole apartment complex!!


Well-Known Member
well after bombing em with a .05 percent pyrethrum bomb those little bastards were still frolicking around... Im coming up on week 4 so this is the last time I can bomb em.. I went today and got some fox farms dont bug me to help control em along with a commercial 4 percent pyrethrum bomb! Im going to have to wash the shit out of em after I do bomb em in the morning and blow some serious air all over my babies dont get all moldy..

fockin spider mites are a BITCH I hate these lil bastards.. my next step if this doesnt get em is to brew up some nicotine spray.. ill post some pics in a couple hours when the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I appreciate it.. This first run is just to get it all tuned in and tested out... I cant wait till my next cycle where I can put 85 babies in there and get it really cranking!

I bombed this morning, Im getting ready to go in there and spray down all of the babies reaaaly good and put fans on em so they are dry by the time the lights come on... they are starting to fill out quite nicely.. I have been bending the stems to get them to spread out a tad bit more and take up more of the available space...

I know I said I would post pics yesterday but now i really WILL post pics in about 4 hours haha

Thanks again for the support and encouragement... makes it all that much sweeter!


Well-Known Member
as promised here are some updates... coming up on day 30 of a 9-10 week cycle... got a few pics so you can see how the system drains as well as some of the plants after doing some LST and some of the nice tops that are forming! these spider mites are pissin me off though lol I have a thread in plant problems about the troubles they are giving me its REDIC!! anyway on to the pics!



Well-Known Member
well thank you for the great porn, sweet set up, substoned lol have fun swimming in your sea of nugs


Well-Known Member
haha thanks brendon Im just hoping it doesnt turn out to be a sea of spider mites!! LOL


Well-Known Member
now way not with your set up so slick, you're a clean person, but in case get some neem and you're strappin lol im dealing with something worse than spider mites...FLEAS dont get me started lol


Well-Known Member
nice looking grow man....as for the mites i dont know what it is but i have defently seen an increase in growers complaining about them....as i have them to an like yours are super-mites aka the borg....i have gone so far as to use avid an floramite on them but still they live...best to clean clean clean....peace az


Well-Known Member
nice looking grow man....as for the mites i dont know what it is but i have defently seen an increase in growers complaining about them....as i have them to an like yours are super-mites aka the borg....i have gone so far as to use avid an floramite on them but still they live...best to clean clean clean....peace az
Thanks AZ...(just moved from AZ by the way).. I am in the process of brewing some nicotine tea to hopefully take these mofos down... I am hoping this will get rid of the problem or at least keep them at bay till I can harvest and clean the shit out of my grow room... Ill keep you guys updated!


Well-Known Member
very interesting system design, makes me stop and rethink the way i do things around here, look forward to seeing all 85 up and running.