That is actually pretty lols.
Crazy that the resident racebaiters hold this man in such high regard. You will be attacked for posting anything negative about him, I will be attacked for quoting it.The guy is certifiable. lol
you are holding back relations now instead of helping.
And yet he has the ear of the POTUS...
Cut back on the estrogen just a tad and you might be less hormonal.
Dude, it's way too early for your nightly meltdown drunken rage racebaiting poo flinging episodes. Let UncleBuck rest and use one of your many sockpuppets. Just close the UB window, you can do it girl.
Why would you tell me to leave when we both know you'll just follow me around the internet and join sites stalking me. How do we know this? Because that's what really happened already. I don't have to make shit up like you do to try to make you look bad, you don't that all on your own. I sure as shit wouldn't have a made up sig line with your name in it to look at and admire every post I made, that's just creepy. You luuuuuuuuuurrrrrv me. Admit it and you'll feel so much bettter.
Just how many active accounts are you up to on this site now? How many times would you guess you've run to mods this week crying? Over under on you is 25. I've got the under, I'd say 22.
Don't know why you are so obsessed. I leave you alone most of the time, yet this is pretty much all day every day with you. You must be the most miserable person here Buck.
I'd say meltdown, but you must be a small puddle of poo by now.
fypcomplete truth by ginwilly.
Will it help your self esteem if I liked all your posts so you don't have to toggle between puppet windows?
LOL at YOU talking about editing posts... so pathetic.
I can only see one side of the conversation, but either Buck or See4 is getting pwn'd.Will it help your self esteem if I liked all your posts so you don't have to toggle between puppet windows?
LOL at YOU talking about editing posts... so pathetic.
I can only see one side of the conversation, but either Buck or See4 is getting pwn'd.
I am pretty sure Al is Hillary's system administrator on her email server. It will probably catch fire soon.
Do you think Bill ever stained on of hilldawg's pant suits? Maybe it all just ran down her cankles?
I am pretty sure Al is Hillary's system administrator on her email server. It will probably catch fire soon.
Do you think Bill ever stained on of hilldawg's pant suits? Maybe it all just ran down her cankles?