CXA3590 Build Plan

There are choices. And you see it and anyone with sense can see it.

The only goal i have seen you mention is a desire to experiment with "forced air"
to find out for yourself how well forced air will cool down the leds

it would seem folk who believe they know better than you are trying to persuade you
that your goal should be something else .. your goals should mimic their goals
because you are not agreeing its causing some friction

your example of the supercharger on a motorbike pretty much says it all
in situations like this if you tell those "helpers" to mind their own business they should do just that ?
The only goal i have seen you mention is a desire to experiment with "forced air"
to find out for yourself how well forced air will cool down the leds

it would seem folk who believe they know better than you are trying to persuade you
that your goal should be something else .. your goals should mimic their goals
because you are not agreeing its causing some friction

your example of the supercharger on a motorbike pretty much says it all
in situations like this if you tell those "helpers" to mind their own business they should do just that ?

No, of course they won't. They are drawn to learning like all mammals. They behaving from fear they spent too much for too little Watts on the ground.
Have you ever run a multiple HPS set up?

Yes. Is that your whole question? I used to be all about HPS.

HPS is really efficient and effective at growing weed. I can't understand why you'd switching away from it.

Usually when you switch away from something, it's because the other thing is better.
Then you had a reason to switch, But, you think your reasoning is absolute,
You don't realize you already made an efficiency trade off. and just don't like mine.

And you see me as "wasting watts" but you ignore the big principles of basic business.

You have narrowly defined "better" like a slave trader or something.

You are trying to proselytize your belief.
$50 shipped - heatsink
$63 - hlg-185h-c500b
$208 - 4 x cxa3590 cb
$15 - phanteks fan

$336/75.6 pw = $4.44/pw

For 1000pw system $4440 and 1960w draw

Yours - $2.75/pw

For 1000pw system $2750 and 2590w draw

Cost (for me) is $1.4/day more for your system. Up front cost is $1690 more for mine. It would take me 1200 days to recoup costs. Better spread and I don't have to rebuy/rebuild anything to stay @ 51%

Edit: I don't live in stockton, sorry you do that spot is a complete armpit no wonder you could afford a house there. Where I live is minimum $.19/kwh
Then you had a reason to switch, But, you think your reasoning is absolute,
You don't realize you already made an efficiency trade off. and just don't like mine.

And you see me as "wasting watts" but you ignore the big principles of basic business.

You have narrowly defined "better" like a slave trader or something.

You are trying to proselytize your belief.
Excellent point.
Then you had a reason to switch, But, you think your reasoning is absolute,
You don't realize you already made an efficiency trade off. and just don't like mine.

And you see me as "wasting watts" but you ignore the big principles of basic business.

You have narrowly defined "better" like a slave trader or something.

You are trying to proselytize your belief.

My reason to switch was that I wanted to see what these things could really do with a hydroponic setup... All the other pioneers were using organic and I felt like they could be yielding more. Don't you get it? We took a step for you, and all you need to do now is ask us what our results are... but you're so stubborn, you'd never think to do that.

After seeing what it could do, I started designing better models, optimizing for efficiency, temperature distribution, light distribution, etc.
My reason to switch was that I wanted to see what these things could really do with a hydroponic setup.... Don't you get it? We took that step for you, and all you need to do now is ask us what our results are... but you're so stubborn, you'd never think to do that.

I didn't ask you to do anything for me. Don't you get it?

You design goal is too narrow for me and that burns your ass.
You are a fat head ego jerk.

You should close your mouth and ask us more questions... We just wanted to show you our results and insights so you can know what to look out for, and you freaked out.

You made it clear you have no idea what flux bins are. You thought the cxb has less output than the cxa, and even now, you have this idea that high efficiency means low output. Just wow. Holy shit do you need help... Not only with designing your panels, but in asking for help...
No, of course they won't. They are drawn to learning like all mammals. They behaving from fear they spent too much for too little Watts on the ground.

i do not believe it would be a very effective use of my limited time
spoon feeding or trying to force feed information
present the information that you believe will help but if folk wish to follow their own path i would not waste any more of my time trying to convince otherwise

perhaps i just do not care enough what other folk want to do with their own plants/lights etc
You seen me patiently answering all comer. And this is how I cement my designs. I did the same thing on my Triumph forum about the Supercharger. And sure, the same jerk off types appear. And the same right minded types appear. We shred the trolls and make design progress.

But, I didn't try to convince anyone that 400 amp electronic supercharging for 8 secs every 1 minute would work.

The trolls tried their best to get me to abandon that, and take the engine apart and build a chain drive. The stupid of trolls is universal.
In fact, if you put just 4 people on ignore this becomes a cogent build thread, in just a few pages.
Except for all the other people who have to get through 19 pages before seeing their first drilled hole.

(more like 30 pages at the rate you "Design")