I got robbed!!

Couple of other interesting robberies:

I read about this Chicago suburban dad who came out to his car to go to work and there was a small crack in his windshield. There was a note under the wiper that read who did it, and that they were sorry and intended to pay for it. The dad called the number on the note and had a laugh with the guy on the other end over the story. The dad texted the guy the invoice, and the next day the dad found another note and an envelope with not just the cash, but 4 Bulls tickets for the game that Friday. The family went to the game, and came home to find their entire house cleaned out. I always imagine the robbers watching some of the game, and perhaps even saw the family on the big screen before leisurely carrying that out, as well. They had all the time in the world to move out all their stuff, brilliant...

Another one was a thief that was effectively robbing currency exchanges in our old neighborhood in the 90s. He would walk in with a mask, put a small hose under the bulletproof glass and sprayed the teller and their surroundings with gasoline, took out a lighter and told the teller his partner was around the back door. There was no partner as far as the cops could tell, but he ripped off 9 or 10 places for a significant amount of cash before they caught him...
After being here for nearly a decade, it was finally my turn to get robbed. I've never been pickpocketed but nearly all of my friends have.

I decided to get up early (9:30am) because I was helping my disreputable friend move house. Due to my smoking and driving policy I requested that we started early.

I went to my bike to get to hers in good time and it had vanished! It just wasn't there! I knew I was looking in the right place because I parked the car right in front of it when I returned from shopping yesterday. I would've paid someone to take a picture of my face, I was shocked!

I saw the neighbours and asked them. This was strange because I'd seen it at midnight and now it was gone?! I've had it for over 3 years and it only cost me a few hundred euros.

The law here in Spain regarding bike insurance is that you can't get theft cover on a 49cc so you never get an expensive one, just in case.

I called my friend to inform her that I wasn't coming and proceeded with getting docs together to call the police and the tow truck dept. Neither had it. I had to report it in case it was used in a crime.

It's really hilly where I live, there are even outdoor escalators so this made me wonder. I couldn't start it with the ignition the other day and didn't move it before midnight because of my new trainers. I would've had to kick start it and maybe get dirty.

My non theft cover insurance runs out in 3 days and costs about the same as the bike so I start to see the bright side about not paying another years insurance for nothing etc. I'd also not replaced the mirror, recovered the seat or straightened the front wheel steering.

How did they take it if they couldn't hot wire it? My friend suggested that they picked it up in a van but I dismissed this because it didn't have enough value for a prof job. I suspected kids had taken it, broken the steering lock and may the ignition barrel and then pushed /kicked it.

I asked a bin cleaning man in the street if he'd seen it and he hadn't. My bf and I walked downhill around the block to have a look. When he realized I left the bike docs at home he wanted to go back. I returned after a while and found my bike 50 meters from where we were and next to some bins!! . It was propped up on its side stand (now broken) with the ignition intact!!!! I couldnt believe it! Even the steering lock works which means I probably didn't put it on! I got my bike back without too much damage!!

I want to buy a bigger bike now so that I can get theft cover. I need a new bike anyway. I had a chain but my mechanic lost it. I will get another one now. Happy ending! :)

they just smash/remove the bodywork around the ignition and hot wire it, takes about 10seconds for someone who knows what they are doing
Quick smashwire takes a good 30 secs max.
Yes but the gradient on my hill is unbelievable. It would've been to hard to hold the wires in place and kick it at the same time.

I was expecting to maybe find it with the ignition barrel hanging out. Lucky they didn't have a Phillips! It was just kids who didn't know what they were doing.

A friend once lent me a trail Kawasaki 600cc and it was so tall I had trouble getting it off the side stand to go!
Yes but the gradient on my hill is unbelievable. It would've been to hard to hold the wires in place and kick it at the same time.

I was expecting to maybe find it with the ignition barrel hanging out. Lucky they didn't have a Phillips! It was just kids who didn't know what they were doing.

A friend once lent me a trail Kawasaki 600cc and it was so tall I had trouble getting it off the side stand to go!
Lol :lol:
Yes but the gradient on my hill is unbelievable. It would've been to hard to hold the wires in place and kick it at the same time.

I was expecting to maybe find it with the ignition barrel hanging out. Lucky they didn't have a Phillips! It was just kids who didn't know what they were doing.

A friend once lent me a trail Kawasaki 600cc and it was so tall I had trouble getting it off the side stand to go!

they dont hold the wires in place, normally they twist them together or use crocodile clips on a length wire clipped to each wire (black n red) in the ignition

Also they can use a slide hammer n just rip ur ignition lock out in 2secs n just use a spoon to turn the barrel
they dont hold the wires in place, normally they twist them together or use crocodile clips on a length wire clipped to each wire (black n red) in the ignition

Also they can use a slide hammer n just rip ur ignition lock out in 2secs n just use a spoon to turn the barrel
they dont hold the wires in place, normally they twist them together or use crocodile clips on a length wire clipped to each wire (black n red) in the ignition

Also they can use a slide hammer n just rip ur ignition lock out in 2secs n just use a spoon to turn the barrel
Yes I know, like a Phillips screwdriver. That's what they use in the UK but luckily at least the cars are manufactured with a type of finger printing dust under the steering column. The police here wouldn't even fingerprint your house if you got burgled!
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Shit I got to keep guard dogs in my house everyone out here has had their house robbed and I can't risk my house getting robbed cause the police get their first they can walk in cause they consider it a crime scene fuck that shit I ain't going to jail cause of some punk ass junkie they gonna get fucked up with my 200lb vicious as hell bitch it's crazy she loves my kid but wants to kill my friends. :bigjoint:And most where afraid of my pitbulls. lol