Some are more equal than others...

If it bothers them, they are probably conservative. If they are conservative, they are probably religious. Just tell them it was God's will for them to smell it and that Jesus loves them.
Ask them to pray for you too, that usually shuts them up.

Seriously, what can a religious nutso follow up a bitching with when you say, I don't see it that way, please pray for me that I might, thank you, God bless. They have nowhere to go from there.
sounds more like a pretense to supply the city with another source of revenue.

Not even that many people really burn wood anymore. I think it's as much for the feel goods as it is for anything else. "Spare the air, because we care."
George dummied up, labeled them part of the axis of evil, we are at war with anyone who harbors terrorists!
If we are still blaming that idiot after 6 more years of doubling down on the stupidity we may as blame Washington, he started this shit.

At what point do we get to say THIS president is a warmonger? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Are we "at war" with anyone besides us heads?

I thought there had to be a declaration of war from congress? What we are doing is just dropping a few bombs on sovereign countries land, that's only called war if it's done to us, not by us.

I've read enough of these boards to know it's all republican's fault though, so there's that, which is nice.

actually, pakistan approved the drone strikes, dumbass.

god you are so fucking dumb.
At what point do we get to say THIS president is a warmonger?

once he starts a war that leaves 5000+ us soldiers and 135000+ innocent civilians dead.

if he's just dropping bombs on targets that other nations are telling us to strike, i'll go ahead and say yawn.
If we are still blaming that idiot after 6 more years of doubling down on the stupidity we may as blame Washington, he started this shit.

At what point do we get to say THIS president is a warmonger? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
THIS president didn't push the patriot act through, that one did. Talk about shitting on the constitution. That act will never be forgiven or forgotten by me, I'm surprised it sits so well with you.
You defend him for pot busts

show me one post where i do this and i will leave the site forever. or else you have made a liar out of yourself yet again.

I would hate to be so politically deluded in my partisanship that I would think it's cool for one guy to blow up innocent people but not another. You really suck as a human man.

your pocketfives account shows that you never made a peep about it during the bush years. only once the black guy got in did it become a problem.

you are guilty of that which you accuse others of, that's called hypocrisy.
THIS president didn't push the patriot act through, that one did. Talk about shitting on the constitution. That act will never be forgiven or forgotten by me, I'm surprised it sits so well with you.
THIS president could have repealed that law when they held the holy trinity of all 3 branches but didn't. Instead, he added cell phones, do you realize what a difference that makes? Adding cell phones to the Patriot Act is huge.

Bush sucks, the Patriot Act sucks. You suck if you think criticizing Obama for killing innocent people means I support that criminal Bushney. Is that the only way you can feel better about supporting THIS murdering president and not the last one?
THIS president could have repealed that law when they held the holy trinity of all 3 branches but didn't. Instead, he added cell phones, do you realize what a difference that makes? Adding cell phones to the Patriot Act is huge.

Bush sucks, the Patriot Act sucks. You suck if you think criticizing Obama for killing innocent people means I support that criminal Bushney. Is that the only way you can feel better about supporting THIS murdering president and not the last one?

give it up, your posting history clearly shows you to be a complete hypocrite on this.
THIS president could have repealed that law when they held the holy trinity of all 3 branches but didn't. Instead, he added cell phones, do you realize what a difference that makes? Adding cell phones to the Patriot Act is huge.

Bush sucks, the Patriot Act sucks. You suck if you think criticizing Obama for killing innocent people means I support that criminal Bushney. Is that the only way you can feel better about supporting THIS murdering president and not the last one?
I didn't know the president could just nullify a act of congress like that, at least without boner filing a lawsuit. I bet he added the phones cause he's probably read the same quote as I, " Buy the ticket, take the ride?" Plus wasn't THIS POTUS busy fixing bigger problems that "dummied you" left him with at that time, doing it along with congress. Look at the prosperity since then!!
I didn't know the president could just nullify a act of congress like that, at least without boner filing a lawsuit. I bet he added the phones cause he's probably read the same quote as I, " Buy the ticket, take the ride?" Plus wasn't THIS POTUS busy fixing bigger problems that "dummied you" left him with at that time, doing it along with congress. Look at the prosperity since then!!
Ok, you got me, this is the bestest president ever and the only reason he put the Patriot Act on steroids instead of repealing it is because it's my fault.

Even though Boner wasn't in charge when Obama took office, I'm sure it's his fault too.

Keep playing the partisan game, keep getting bent over by both parties.
Ok, you got me, this is the bestest president ever and the only reason he put the Patriot Act on steroids instead of repealing it is because it's my fault.

Even though Boner wasn't in charge when Obama took office, I'm sure it's his fault too.

Keep playing the partisan game, keep getting bent over by both parties.
You feel guilty about something? I didn't blame you for his actions,hehehe
LOL like that would have stopped boner from trying to file one,LOL, you saw the letter he sent to the international community right?LOL Talk about a superiority complex, you and boners would get along great.
You feel guilty about something? I didn't blame you for his actions,hehehe
LOL like that would have stopped boner from trying to file one,LOL, you saw the letter he sent to the international community right?LOL Talk about a superiority complex, you and boners would get along great.
LOL sorry man, I saw dummied you and thought you were calling me names. I'm so used to it here I just took it in stride. I went back and read it again and realize that was your code for W. Funny, my bad on that one.

But yeah, keep blaming one side for the shit that's going on in this country, that'll stop it.