injunction/court case updates

opportunity cost means that for your time and money is that "worth" the most to you. i.e. you can go to work and make 300$ for the day or go to school to study for a degree for that 8 hr increment in the hopes that one day you will make more than 300$ a day at work. what does the opportunity to go to school to try and earn a good job cost? 300$ a day for each 8 hour shift you miss

hey....thank you.
This witness seems to be a little sharper than the earlier ones....more evasive than , well.., know.
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 5m 5 minutes ago
We're back #Allard
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 4m 4 minutes ago
Grace: Have you considered in your analysis medical marijuana dispensaries that currently supply patients? Grootendorst: not in my report
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Grootendorst seemed to think police would enforce the laws more if the MMPR came into force. Grace said this would not necessarily happen
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 4m 4 minutes ago
Grootendorst: "Aren't there any RCMP in Vancouver?" Grace: no … we have city police force
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Grootendorst: "Yeah … it would reduce the market for LPs" if the dispensaries stayed open. Grace: what would happen to the price?
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 1m 1 minute ago
Grootendorst: If dispensaries dominate the market, "then there would be no LP market"
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 5m 5 minutes ago
Grootendorst: LP price consequences depend on the share the dispensaries would obtain
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Grootendorst: Two types of consumers - "high willingness to pay" and a "low willingness to pay". Grace: how does that work for medicine?
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Grace: what would happen if 50% couldn't afford to pay. How does "willingness to pay" factor into that?
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Grootendorst: it's not if you can afford something or not, it's if you are willing to sacrifice other goods and services to get it
Grootendorst: it's not if you can afford something or not, it's if you are willing to sacrifice other goods and services to get it-sounds like another person on this forum...different thread though.....hmmmm