Detoxing from weed. (My personal experience thus far)

LOL to true, sploof use encouraged!

Sploofs are shit I remember back when I was 16 I stuffed like 8 softners a.k.a. dryer sheets into one toilet paper tube, and smoked out of a one hitter, 5 hours later I was without a ps3, phone, and laptop. Use something that's specifically made for getting rid of the smoke smell like a smoke buddy. I blew the smoke into the sploof and out my window still stank the whole house up.
I do remember how much it sucked when I had to quit oxycontin, and hydrocodone it, now that absolutely sucked, I can't imagine what it would be like ganja gave me those awful withdrawal symptoms. I never had worst nausea, my body would ache all day, I was always restless, just be glad you're not detoxing from opiates, the true.meaning of " Withdrawal " I don't miss feeling a constant fever that lasted for 17 days. But once the Withdrawal effects end you feel awesome knowing that you sucessfully did something that most people fail at.
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That is an ignorant and dangerous statement.
yours is actually

there's young cannibis smokers running around England thinking its as adicttive as herion .... FACT.

iv smoked 1000's of crack ( not now) and never felt any physical adiction apart from just wanting it ...... Psychological see :)

herion and alchol fucked me up ........ All the rest didnt
I'm not sure if their is a detox in weed. 20 years ago i was a mega pothead. Smoked all the time. I woke up every single night coughing up a lung I smoked so much weed. I decided to quit and didn't touch it for about 13 years. I for sure missed it. But, no real detox.

Why do I smoke weed now? I am borderline an insomniac. Without weed or alcohol, I could go several days without actually falling asleep. I would lay there anyway, just wouldn't sleep. The weed at night helps me to curtail the racing/fleeting thoughts I would have at night. Dwelling on my problems. I sleep very well high.

I've been an alcoholic since I was 16. 6 or 7 years ago when I was single I drank at least a fifth every night. Sometimes a liter and every once in a while I would put a real hurting on a half gallon. I weighed about 170. I detoxed and withdrew every single day at work until I could hit the bottle in the evening and start all over again. I decided to "curb" my drinking a bit and started back smoking a little weed. In the evenings and on weekends only. I still drink no doubt, but mostly on the weekends.

When I run out of weed. I do miss and jones a bit. But, it's not like coming down off of pills. Yep, did that in my twenties too. That is a real detox. Weed is just like you miss it a lot. Cigs are much worse and I can't quit that to save my life and I've tried several times.
I quit for four months last year. Just long enough to pass a drug test I purchased from amazon. It left good to be clean. I did notice the loss of appetite initially too.

Whenever I stop toking, I experience something like a very VERY mild opiate withdrawal for about 5 days. I've been hooked on multiple things though so that probably adds to my personal experience when quitting weed. It's really nothing too bad though. Everyone's different. It depends how much and often you toke too. When you're altering the chemical balance in your brain and body for so long, then just stop, things happen.... It's irritating when people think there are no withdrawal effects from marijuana for anybody, or that it's "only psychological". Psychological effects can manifest into physical symptoms. Some people drink booze daily for years and suffer no withdrawals when stopping, others drink daily for a month and will have withdrawals.