First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


New Member
Update, no pics.

The plant is doing awesome, although i just got rid of a small thrip infestation, it is otherwise doing better than i had ever imagined my first grow going. Bud sites are everywhere, and the smell is so good. Trichs forming on bud sites near in the second to highest nodes. But the bud sites definatly extend the distance of the stem to main stem ratio. So the whole brach is buding.

I am thoroughly happy with the fox farms nutes. They are so good at making the plant grow and not hurt it. I went a little out of the feeding schedule, i gave it a half teaspoon of big bloom today, as opposed to both every other i was thinking of just throwing that in there.


New Member
So i toughtt i would add the watering schedule has increased dramatically. I gave it a gallon yesterday. Metered the soil again today and its right back down.

So i gave it another watering this time both big bloom and tiger bloom at 1tblsp each per gallon, ph'd to 6.6, then as always(every watering) 1tblsp of molassas.

Its been an hour since i watered and no nutirent burns so i think i have a hang of the ammounts of things and when to administer them.

Later guys.


Well-Known Member
So i toughtt i would add the watering schedule has increased dramatically. I gave it a gallon yesterday. Metered the soil again today and its right back down.

So i gave it another watering this time both big bloom and tiger bloom at 1tblsp each per gallon, ph'd to 6.6, then as always(every watering) 1tblsp of molassas.

Its been an hour since i watered and no nutirent burns so i think i have a hang of the ammounts of things and when to administer them.

Later guys.

Yell my 3 43"+ are drinking 2 liters every other day. Every other water they get big bloom, tiger bloom, and Cha Ching. (every 4 days)

Edit in 10" pots


Well-Known Member
whad up Panda, she is looking amazing. I love the leaves on her just perked-up, waiting for her photo to be taken. hell of job.


New Member
Well, today i completly rid myself of all pests that decided to get onto my plant with some neem oil extract in water.. Cleared it up in 5 minutes.

No pics, i am going to wait a little before i take some, cause the growth hasnt really changed on a photographic level. But none the less she is doing spectacular.

And with the help of big bloom my outdoor plant is growing EXTREAMELY fast. No more nutient problems and the watering schedule has been set to a tee.

The greenhouse thrips that were on this plant are also now taken care of.

If anyone has a thrip problem use this stuff it works great.



New Member
So today was a fun day.

Had the freind over whos dad is responsable for my grow being possible lol.

We made HONEY OIL!

Its so good i love it. We got a few grams of it from a half oz.

I would have taken pictures but was kind of unprepared because this was an all of the sudden kind of thing.

It was made from this strain, and it smells soo good, like something from the cannabis club.

Update soon.

Edit: Im so high right now dude. You dont even know.
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The Great One

Active Member
yeah my cfl box was made Auguust 1 2008. I am using 2 23 watt cfls, for two plants, hanging about 2 inches from the top of the plant. When would be the correct time to switch lights, what light to switch too, and are the LED lights any good?


New Member
yeah my cfl box was made Auguust 1 2008. I am using 2 23 watt cfls, for two plants, hanging about 2 inches from the top of the plant. When would be the correct time to switch lights, what light to switch too, and are the LED lights any good?

Well first of i would say get some more cfls. Like 4 per plant. You can get y splitters that make you able to put two lights in one socket.

And i started to flower mine kind of early, it really depends on what you want. A big huge plant or a compact one.

And as far as lights go, MH or metal halides are the best lights for vegitative growth. And HPS or High Pressure Sodium discharge are better for flowering.

They can be used by themselves for the entire ggrow. Where the HPS will always produce better results.

The main factors of the size of the plant are when you switch from an 18/6 light period to a 12/12 light period.

When you switch to flowering the plant will increase in size dramatically. Ending its vertical growth in about the third or fourth week of flowering.

Cfls can also be used for the entire grow, but you will not yield as much as with HIDs.

LEDs are okay, but again they still dont produce the same outcome as HIDs. There are a few videos on youtube showing led vs hid. That should give you a good idea.


New Member
So, last night pretty much sucked worse than anything i can think of....

DUI: reason, i had some pot on me so they assumed i was high.
Got aressted, drunk tanked it all night.

My back is killing me and i have a court date on the 22nd of september.

The shittiest part was that my freinds who had large ammounts on them, walked. With a ticket.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Fuck that! that is so lame man! Criminalization of a good citizen!! makes you feel like a dirt bag when you did nothing wrong! i hate this prohibition of pot!!
Im about to go smoke a bowl in your honor, and in honor of saying fuck the POLICE!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
WOW that shit looks five thousand percent better than i thought it was going to... holy outdoor batman! looks like she likes that sun...keeping her outdoors is gonna fatten up them yield.


Well-Known Member
oh yea, fight that fucking DUI because i know they didnt do a bloodwork or a saliva test to determine if you were actually blitzed. as long as u dont admit it and they cant prove it you WILL walk...good luck bruh, and if you get slapped and put on probation... dont letcha P.O. find ur garden