you should get a trophy for the work you put in here, that's awesomeness
yeah thats probably gonna be me

all my family are alcoholics or well... mainliners lmao so i figured one was gonna stick to me

i should cut down so i can slim down and not be in the hospital for alcohol before i turn 21
my grandad was, he died, its a gene which runs though all people but mostly in acholohics and there familys ............ We enjoy things more than most people and don't know when to stop :)....... Sound familiar?
Not forgetting the plates of meat (feet), I bought Men's Nikes today. I forgot to ask @LetsGetCritical for smaller ones and can I have a 6 pack like Hooka's please??!!
You can. Unlike boobies (which you can't change) you CAN have a 6 pack. @lahadaextranjera You are a willowy person, at least from the pics you post. If you don't have abs of death, it appears you could easily get them. It's not in the sit-ups etc as much as it is low body fat. And you seem to have low body fat anyway. So now, come to one of my dance workshops. You'll have ab definition by the time you're through.