6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

So I am still in excruciating pain, went to the doctors today in which security had to get me into a wheel chair in the parking lot. I still can barely walk at all, that's nothing compared to the pain I am in while just sitting. So they gave me steroid pills for the inflammation in my back and put these micro-acupuncture needles in my ears that are just supposed to fall out on there own. Surprisingly it did help some with the pain although it is still pretty bad.

On a brighter note I finally got my new D7100 camera so hopefully I am able to take way better pictures this weekend for you guys as long as I can figure out how to use it properly, and hoping that I can actually walk and do things.


Update # Badshit
You know when you change the reservoir on your party cup hydro plants, and you forget to plug the top drip pump back into the timer, and neglect checking on them for a couple days, only to walk into a hot mess of sadness and death??

Yeah, that sorta happened to me...haha

Well, the yellow lambo got pulled a while ago, the 2nd Lambo faired the drought better than everyone else, but turned out male...

Leaving me with my sad excuse for a contender...damnit...lol

Without further adieu...My official Party Cup Contender

The Hog...

Damnit...Just damnit...lol...Well, she actually IS looking a LOT better than when I discovered her starving to death a few days ago. I had to pull most of her lower fan leaves cause they didn't survive the drought, but maybe, just maybe those little side shoots will do something........

But with all these fine lookin' plants in this comp, I'm most likely no longer in the running...But oh well...there's always next time!
Update 2: 3/11/15
So I am really hoping that the LVBK x SourJack #1 winds up being a girl, because it is the most dominant plant so far, followed closely by one of the Coco Kush, which isn't quite as vigorous but also has bit less stretch so it's kinda a wash. I put an extra cup around each cup, at least temporarily until they need drain holes, to try to shield the roots from the lights a bit, since the roots are already filling out to the point of becoming easily visible through the thin white plastic (A fact which I am also excited about since it is much more root development than I was expecting to see at this stage)
Update 2: 3/11/15
So I am really hoping that the LVBK x SourJack #1 winds up being a girl, because it is the most dominant plant so far, followed closely by one of the Coco Kush, which isn't quite as vigorous but also has bit less stretch so it's kinda a wash. I put an extra cup around each cup, at least temporarily until they need drain holes, to try to shield the roots from the lights a bit, since the roots are already filling out to the point of becoming easily visible through the thin white plastic (A fact which I am also excited about since it is much more root development than I was expecting to see at this stage)
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Looking good ace! You should do like I did and get some red ones to set the clear ones in. I just cut most of the bottom outta the red one so the drain holes in the clear one are not blocked.
So I am still in excruciating pain, went to the doctors today in which security had to get me into a wheel chair in the parking lot. I still can barely walk at all, that's nothing compared to the pain I am in while just sitting. So they gave me steroid pills for the inflammation in my back and put these micro-acupuncture needles in my ears that are just supposed to fall out on there own. Surprisingly it did help some with the pain although it is still pretty bad.

On a brighter note I finally got my new D7100 camera so hopefully I am able to take way better pictures this weekend for you guys as long as I can figure out how to use it properly, and hoping that I can actually walk and do things.

Shit...I feel your pain m8.

Is it auto-immune, or injury related?
Looks fem to me, and I don't have any prizes dangling so you can trust my opinion, probably not the best place to sex you plants ;) I'm surprised you didn't get a few replies telling you to cull it, what's wrong with you people, being all nice and shit? lol JK
I was DEFINITELY expecting that from this friendly group. :)