12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Chapter 2: Day 38 Update

Was not able to get a replacement for the Eye Blue MH bulb so we're using the HPS now.
Satified...if you happen to read this, do you think you can help me with the camera? I tried to get into the White Balance menu and it said based on the camera's current settings the White Balance is unavailable. So...sorry for the orange pic's guys.

Well, we're progressing I guess. Seem to be about 1 week behind where we where in Chapter 1.
I watered with 10 gallons of PH'd only water this morning and I got about 5 gallons of run-off. Will be making a considerable nute jump tomorrow...about 50% stronger than what they have been getting. They look hungry and ready to eat.

Thunder Tub:
83 out of 84 alive
Skunk Tub: 84 out of 84 alive

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sky rocket

Well-Known Member
You almost can't see the medium. Do you hand feed them from the top and let the nutes run down til it drains off?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Some updated pictures using Nikon's Capture NX-D software and shooting the photos in RAW format. I think they turned out pretty good seeing as they are under an HPS.

In some future posts I will probably start talking about my prototype that dives into the world of automation and some plans.

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Well-Known Member
thats a pretty good idea youve got going there with the tubs bro, you dont think the center plants will get more light and kind of skew the data though? since you cant rotate or take the center plants to the outside theyll always be directly under the bulb right?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
thats a pretty good idea youve got going there with the tubs bro, you dont think the center plants will get more light and kind of skew the data though? since you cant rotate or take the center plants to the outside theyll always be directly under the bulb right?
Well...most of what I've been trying is to answer those very types of questions. I have the blockbuster reflector which does a pretty darned good job of spreading the light but you're right...will always have maximum intensity in the middle. We'll see!

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
So here is the prototype. More of a proof of concept really.

The picture below is a USB relay connected to 4 electrical receptacles.
I have a server here at home that has a couple of web cams connected to it. Part of the prototype involves being able to show multiple web cameras in a web browser and be able to interact with them. Yeah yeah, I know this is nothing impressive but it's something I've never actually done and wanted to learn how to do.

Server Webcam Snapshot 2.png

The next picture is the demo webpage I made that lives on my server and has a domain name mapped to it so I can easily access it from any device anywhere.
It is showing the 2 webcam images and over on the left I have radio buttons that can turn on and off the 4 electrical outlets.
Monitoring Browser 1.png

When I turn on Circuit #3 from the web page, it turns that relay on and wallah, we have power to that outlet.
Monitoring Browser 2.png

Being a programmer by trade, this is something entirely new for me but it has got me really excited. There are all kinds of cool stuff you can get that can be controlled in this way. Being able to turn water on and off. Dispense nutrients. Run drip systems on timers. View anything in real time and make adjustments on the fly. You get the idea :)


Well-Known Member
Being a programmer by trade, this is something entirely new for me but it has got me really excited. There are all kinds of cool stuff you can get that can be controlled in this way. Being able to turn water on and off. Dispense nutrients. Run drip systems on timers. View anything in real time and make adjustments on the fly. You get the idea :)
I love the sound of this type of stuff. I'm away a lot for work so bought one of those cameras you can operate through an IP address from any device anywhere. Having a live feed that anyone could hack into made me nervous though, so I never hooked it up...

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
I love the sound of this type of stuff. I'm away a lot for work so bought one of those cameras you can operate through an IP address from any device anywhere. Having a live feed that anyone could hack into made me nervous though, so I never hooked it up...
Sure...as with everything, gotta be really careful. The best I can come up as far as protecting this would be to make sure it's running with an SSL certificate, require logging in and probably restrict by IP address too. That should be pretty safe.


Well-Known Member
That is so friggin awesome!

Automation of a grow is the next step! With grows going commercial and simulated Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Dusk lighting being so important to good flower development along with temperature, water, nutes, airflow, CO2 levels...

That is some amazing work HDS!


Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
That is so friggin awesome!

Automation of a grow is the next step! With grows going commercial and simulated Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Dusk lighting being so important to good flower development along with temperature, water, nutes, airflow, CO2 levels...

That is some amazing work HDS!

Thanks man. Its all just an idea at this point but now that I have a better understanding of how to do it, it does not seem so daunting. The programming is unbelievably easy too.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Chapter 2: Day 40 Update

Yesterday I increased the nutrients to 80% of the Week 3 schedule which was about a 50% increase. They look perfectly fine this morning so that's great.
While I am not pleased with the overall growth rate (they seem to be at least a full week behind where they were in the 1st Chapter), I am pleased with the relative consistency in height. I've done a small amount of leaf tucking here and there but I want to keep that to a minimum as this experiment really needs to tell me how well this many plants in a small space can do.

RH has been at or slightly above 70% during the night in the tent which is disturbing. I've been running the 750 CFM tent exhaust at about 50% but today I cranked it up to 100%. Temps in the tent are between 68 and 72 with lights on and 59 with lights off. The room the tent is in is very steady...59 degrees and 50% RH. I wish I could bring the temps up a little more but I simply cannot right now.

Thunder Tub: 83 out of 84 alive (Tub on the left)
Skunk Tub: 84 out of 84 alive (Tub on the right)

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