CXA3590 Build Plan

Although trollish criticism and assumptions can get you burned, I am seriously looking for ideas here guys. All ideas are welcome.

Debates that include no math are not.

Thanks, @bicit

I tried offering idea's. All you do is mock them.When I started asking questions about what you plan to do I got snarky responses. I didn't start out trolling, but you wouldn't answer any of my qualifying questions that so I could do math. Even something as basic as (how much space are you trying to light?) was mocked? Or given vague references like 'a bedroom'How is this an appropriate response? This tells me you're not really open to new idea's.

That's why I asked for an MS paint of your floor plan. Makes it easier to offer suggestions if I know what you're trying to do. Instead you just used an arbitrary mounting distance then got offended when I assumed that's what you were hanging it at. Kind of frustrating when I get insulted for just asking how you plan to use the damn thing. Telling me you have a bedroom now doesn't mean anything math wise. (hell I'll be surprised if you read this) I don't know if your 'bedroom is 3'x3' or 1000'x1000' or 3"x3"

Trust me, I work with actual engineers and fabricators. This isn't how they design things. They don't get they're feathers ruffled because someone offered a differing idea. They don't sling personal insults, throw temper tantrums, and talk down to people about how they do it 'uptown'(what ever the fuck that means). They get everything on paper so the kid running the chopsaw can understand what's going on and then ask his opinion.

I'd be more than happy to have a discussion on the merit of a cool tube light. I think it can be practical for some applications. However I need information in order to do so. You keep shifting your design goals and/or not really communicating them very clearly(honestly I glaze over the posts with insults).

BTW don't look to satived for support. He thinks cobs are a waste of money and a firehazard. Anyone who uses them is a shill in his mind's eye. He is the definition of a troll.
So, until there are some concrete ideas about how I have this wrong for me, I will without permission, I will continue. :)

It makes sense I see with a re-read about fan cfm converted lfm that only applies at the cross section of the fan, at the fan. Hmmmm......

That makes sense. So, there must be a simple factor for constriction and air speed.

Constriction. That's what they call it in wind tunnel design.

So, it could be that a 6 inch fan with an LFM of 1000 produces 2000 LFM in 1/2 the cross section. Or is that 1/4 of the cross section? Power of 2, type thing?
Its called the high road

PA is PC and I get AA in response.

It's OK, I deal with this for a living. And PA will never admit it. It's like they never heard the word.

All OK. See? I too am an extremely nice guy, when I want a be, and a constructive confrontation manager on forum when I want to be, also.
Also, it doesn't make sense that sativied would support you, considering you think HPS is only 20% efficient... Sativied should also choose his allies better.

Why in LORDs HELL, do you think this is a mosh pit war with shifting allegiances?

Most of us don't see this as Lord of the Fly Island. You just show your mental lack if you think Sat and I are "allies" or not. And if he supports me or whatever. Fool.

What teenage tribal bs, is this? Pick is allies better?

You too were raised to think PA is OK. It is still aggression.

If you think that, you aren't in my club. Stupid toll. Why so personal, youngster?
It doesn't make sense. My LED world has turned upside down. Who is on my side????

You guys crack me up, serious funny. :)
Along these lines there is physic.

In fluid dynamics, a fluid's velocity must increase as it passes through a constriction in accord with the principle of continuity, while its static pressure must decrease in accord with the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Thus any gain in kinetic energy a fluid may accrue due to its increased velocity through a constriction is balanced by a drop in pressure.

By measuring the change in pressure, the flow rate can be determined, as in various flow measurement devices such as venturi meters, venturi nozzles and orifice plates.

This goes back to the very valuable comment about a fans back pressure.\

I'm still looking for a simple conversion factor. And when I final un-pack my gear next month, I can run some simple tests.
You are quite the

Will you be building something soon?

Dude, call it what you will but I have a career as an engineering manager behind me.

I have lots of training in constructive, or at least, instructive confrontation. This is always your own call.

And why yes, I will be designing until I am satisfied, with prototypes and math until I am ready to build.

So, those that may be salivating for the big fail, keep holding your breath.

I don't design for failure.
Dude, call it what you will but I have a career as an engineering manager behind me.

I have lots of training in constructive, or at least, instructive confrontation. This is always your own call.

And why yes, I will be designing until I am satisfied, with prototypes and math until I am ready to build.

So, those that may be salivating for the big fail, keep holding your breath.

I don't design for failure.

I actually hope it works? I'd just appreciate if you would answer the questions so we can help? You're a very contradictory person.