Amsterdam Coffee Shops


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!
I'm planing to go to Amsterdam, and visit there coffee shop, and I need your advice, which is best coffee shop there, and which marijuana you can recommend from there (which is the specialty for them)?


dont remember those kinda details of my amsterdam trip, The Little Coffeeshop was one of my fave places... it's not far from Mellow Yellow, like literally a few steps and it's a very small but cozy place with a good selection of green.....

i prefered the smaller less crowded places myself, you might prefer the busier places.... there are simply just too much coffeeshops to compare them all, i didnt even get to go to them all, so i'm sure you'll find your own favourite places :)
i was in amsterdam for 4-20-08. i bought a gram per day for a week. either blonde hash or kind bud.

all the kind bud is the same, all the blonde hash is the same, doesn't matter what coffeeshop you go to, it's all the same.

i tried different strains, all the same. i tried identical strains from different coffeeshops, all the same.

i was not impressed.

none of the coffee shops were crowded, usually i was the only one in there. the end of april is still early for the tourist season.

i'd ask to check out a menu, ask to see the product, buy something, order a coffee, drink coffee and smoke. then i'd sit and roll a joint or two before heading back out onto the town.

you can buy product and smoke it there without getting coffee, but they frown upon bringing something else in to smoke without buying their coffee.

the coffee is a rip off. you get ~2oz. of coffee and it's weak. a coffee's like 2euros and a gram is like 10euros. which would you prefer?

i recommend the blonde hash from "the doors" coffee shop, it's on the east side of downtown. there's a cool headshop next door with a bunch of americans working there. i partied down with them one night. hash was my favorite because i usually can't buy any here.

i'd also recommend eating as many spacecakes/cookies/candies as you can, i can't get those here either.

i stayed at "the flying pig" downtown. "the blues bros." coffeeshop across the street was decent, had pool tables and a balcony.

eat some mushrooms and go to vondelspark, i wasn't impressed with the mushrooms either. but "when in rome, do as romans do"

i'm spoiled, i was disappointed with the quality there. i thought it would be the best quality i'd seen, it's nothing special.
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My wife and her pops and I roll out that way every year. Our favorite shop in all of the Dam is called Abraxas. They sell some of the best buds you can find. Their Space cakes and Space hot chocolate, are also the best in the Dam.

The atmosphere on the inside is chill, its a 3 level treehouse style shop with plants growing in different stages on every level.

I will say the one ever so slight disappointing feature of Abraxas would be the lack of hash.

For hash, i would go to ummmmm i believe its bulldog or something similar.

As far as buds go, you wion't be disappointed with any strain you find out there. It's all a matter of your preference. For me, I stay away from the heavy indicas and purples. Getting ripped and walking around the canals is too much fun.

Enjoy your trip, and pound some Dutch pancakes for me!:hump:
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hey i stayed at the flying pig downtown as well. pretty fun there, but amsterdam itself can get a little boring during the day. i went to the bulldog and bought some northern lights, and ill be honest i had a very intense sativa high. great stuff. enjoy your visit!
i was in amsterdam for 4-20-08. i bought a gram per day for a week. either blonde hash or kind bud.

all the kind bud is the same, all the blonde hash is the same, doesn't matter what coffeeshop you go to, it's all the same.

i tried different strains, all the same. i tried identical strains from different coffeeshops, all the same.

i was not impressed.

none of the coffee shops were crowded, usually i was the only one in there. the end of april is still early for the tourist season.

i'd ask to check out a menu, ask to see the product, buy something, order a coffee, drink coffee and smoke. then i'd sit and roll a joint or two before heading back out onto the town.

you can buy product and smoke it there without getting coffee, but they frown upon bringing something else in to smoke without buying their coffee.

the coffee is a rip off. you get ~2oz. of coffee and it's weak. a coffee's like 2euros and a gram is like 10euros. which would you prefer?

i recommend the blonde hash from "the doors" coffee shop, it's on the east side of downtown. there's a cool headshop next door with a bunch of americans working there. i partied down with them one night. hash was my favorite because i usually can't buy any here.

i'd also recommend eating as many spacecakes/cookies/candies as you can, i can't get those here either.

i stayed at "the flying pig" downtown. "the blues bros." coffeeshop across the street was decent, had pool tables and a balcony.

eat some mushrooms and go to vondelspark, i wasn't impressed with the mushrooms either. but "when in rome, do as romans do"

i'm spoiled, i was disappointed with the quality there. i thought it would be the best quality i'd seen, it's nothing special.

ten euros for a gram of dank is cheap..thats like 5 - 10 bucks
Hey everyone!
I'm planing to go to Amsterdam, and visit there coffee shop, and I need your advice, which is best coffee shop there, and which marijuana you can recommend from there (which is the specialty for them)?



I go to AMS at least twice a year and my personal suggestion is that you try as many different ones and possible. The only coffee shop I do not like is the bulldog in Lespladen, but even the bulldog is not that bad, its just my personal preference. Enjoy Amsterdam!!!!
if i took a trip to Amsterdam, which i do plan to do, id bring enough money to support an 8ths worth of dank for each days visit. id get stoned out of my mind because rarely do i find dank anymore. i usually catch scwhag for ok prices.
if i took a trip to Amsterdam, which i do plan to do, id bring enough money to support an 8ths worth of dank for each days visit. id get stoned out of my mind because rarely do i find dank anymore. i usually catch scwhag for ok prices.

You'd have no problems finding it in AMS
mellow yellow was my favorite shop in may .. the orange haze and super silver haze was great.... de kuil 420 cafe was great people watchin and their super silverhaze and diesel were both great.. anything from dampkring or tweede kamer is always quality....
Just remember...




So keep it off the streets and you'll be fine!
yeah. i have this dvd called American Drug War: Last White Hope and part of the dvd includes documents of Amsterdam and its culture. Anyway, the narrator of the movie said the officials are lenient, but yeah, its not tolerated. Heh, id find a little ally to toke a phat hit or two :D