This Drunk White Guy In A Pickup Explains All You Need To Know About Race And Policing


Well-Known Member
so you are racist against mexicans whether they are citizens or not, you call them rats, and you hate the constitution.

most illegals i've known are far more patriotic than you are.


not in my experience they wouldn't. you are very, very dumb.
It's fun watching the shit come out of your mouth.
If there was a picture of a human douche i am sure that picture would be yours.
Rats do sneak into place's they do not belong now don't they.


Well-Known Member
why don't you take a vacation to other red states? why are you coming to my blue state? are you endorsing democratic governance?
Nothing in colorado is yours other than that hippo wife and the house you pay for(I mean your wife pays for)


Well-Known Member
First off nobody here is blaming you for slavery. I'm only blaming you for being a narrow minded bigot. Secondly, you're only sympathies in this thread are to elderly white men who are not systematically oppressed by institutional racism. Thirdly, you're free to be all of those things, so why all the denial?
You didn't answer my honest question. Instead, you dodged it and hurled insults.

And I had such high hopes that you and I might get somewhere in honest debate.