I havent started all this without any information.
I have gathered information from various sources and I believe what I am saying to be correct.
If another moderator could come on here and say that they banned babygro then I will publicly apologise to vm and I will leave the site in disgrace.
I have got along with videoman since he joined and I have never had a problem with him, ive given him various information and help but after what i have learnt today my opinion has changed.
I would dearly love for someone to prove me wrong, but this thread has been going for most of today and no one has and v-man for a change hasnt been on all day, normally he's never away.
i see what your trying to do, and its admirable. but no need to leave the site in disgrace if you are wrong. an apology would be in order tho

i never thought of videoman as someone who would do that. i have no idea though. just saying i've had good experiences talking to him, regardless if his information comes from research or personal experience. i would like to know the truth.
it would be funny if vireid and medicineman were mods, they'd temp ban the crap out of eachother =) but never permaban, bc then they couldnt argue with eachother all the time.
babygro, where u at? videoman, did u do this?
even if vidman did do this, it doesnt mean he needs to be stripped of his mod status but maybe he should understand that being a mod requires someone to be indifferent to personal attacks against his methods, bc all of us are wrong in some ways or another. imo modding is more of a priv. to help the community by keeping spammers and trolls at bay. and by trolls i mean someone whose purpose on a site is to annoying and mess with people, not people who do it on accident bc they're annoying.
i dont want to see ngt, vidman or babygro disappear.