Well-Known Member
Argh, you guys broke my willpower. I was holding out for a potential 4/20 promo, but the @provisionseeds deal that @FrozenChozen posted was just too good to pass up, and I broke down and ordered a 10 pack of the Purple Widow. Now I'm gonna have to do some begging to the wife to let me drop some more dough around the end of april, but we'll burn that bridge when we come to it. For now, I'm stoked about the Purple Widow! Think it would do okay outdoors (Mainly worried about mold since I'm coastal norcal) if I ran it this summer, or should I wait til winter and run it inside where I can control the humidity?
Since we don't know how your weather is, Its safe to say indoors would be better. Have you tried to trim the outdoors so theres more air flow in and out of the plant to help with that problem?