I started using pool shock about a year ago (calcium hypochlorite). It's basically the same thing as "clear rez" and is similar to bleach but much more effective.I always use pool shock in my aero cloner and that lets the temps to be able to be in the 75-85 degree range with no issues what so ever. It can also be used in a hydro res and works great. It keeps the roots perfectly healthy until harvest and is the cheapest thing to use for a sterile res. I also have been using DM Zone here and there and it seems to work just as well (so far).
To make the pool shock solution.
Mix 1 gram of pool shock (shock n' swim brand, main ingredient calcium hypochlorite) per 1 gallon of water. Then use 30ml (2 tbs) per 5 gallons of res water.
For my bigger res I mix the pool shock directly into the res water. 0.5gram per 50 gallons or 0.25gram to 25 gallons, ect. I highly recommend the pool shock.