injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
You know the main thing ive learnt from this bs court a fucking expert at alot of things. Time to freshen up the resume.
I know fuck all about so many things. Im like an expert at being an expert.

That pic was perfect gb cus it kinda feels like we are all living in a cartoon.


Well-Known Member
Terry Parker's case as well as Hetzig case. it gave us the right to grow. thy knew less & that's how they did it. bunch of book smart people trying to figure out something they knew nothing about and didn't care. they HAD to do something & that's what they did....and they did it again for MMPR but made it worse so we are fighting back...something I think they didn't expect but it sounds like they knew they would be problems but didn't care


Well-Known Member
Can someone fill me in how we won the right to grow the 1st time? more specifically the time HC had to organize a program and what patients had to resort too in the mean time.
Look into the Terry Parker case from the late 90's/early 2000's. That is the court decision that formed the MMAR.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Holmquist agrees with Vaze: it's possible that someone could make a complaint to HC and an inspector would investigate and report to cops-no HC refers you to the RCMP if you have any problems. i asked HC when i had grower problems what i can do. their reply was to call the police as they don't do anything and can't...???


Well-Known Member
I was advised by the locals here that if their was a complaint about my yard, they would contact HC first...if legit no visit



Well-Known Member
You know the main thing ive learnt from this bs court a fucking expert at alot of things. Time to freshen up the resume.
I know fuck all about so many things. Im like an expert at being an expert.

That pic was perfect gb cus it kinda feels like we are all living in a cartoon.
I know, I thought I was just a shmuck growing some weed for personal meds and a few patients but if I used his criteria I would be a master grower and industry consultant - lol


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture
Holmquist agrees that most people don't want to be burned to death – and would hope that these people took steps to stop fires
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture
Holmquist said some people who want to grow might not have money and might make shortcuts in electrical costs – though he has no evidence
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture
Holmquist expects extensive security measures would be taken by any reasonable person when growing a controlled substance
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture
Holmquist agreed there is no evidence legal MMAR grows pose a fire risk