Just been busy. I still come on here and do some modding but mostly don't post unless it's to compliment a super hot woman like April or some frosty buds - which I have not been able to grow in the last two years.
i miss your grows!!!
we used to banter a bit wondered what your doing !!?look me up when your in rado we gotta blaze one
lol i got to 250 (my weight at the time) and said fuck it i can lift a fellow fat ass and thats good enough to me

now im up to 175ish from doing jack shit for a year lol im trying to lose weight and i cant if i try to max out cuz it just makes me look fatter lol

i might cycle on test when i lose about 20 to 30 more pounds and then bulk up and try to max at 550 when im 21 if i dont join the service (they might not be roid friendly)
i've been slacking lately with gym to be honest ... and gain some unwanted pounds ...i was thinking about starting preatty soon a thread about my 3 months or my 6 months transformation .... and show my progress ... the whole thing ... body weight ... fat percentage... diet .. and workout routine ... etc ... i think that would be cool .. i did that few times in my life ... from slightly overweight to six pack and muscles in 6 months ... now i'm 34 and lazier then ever so we will c how that would go:mrgreen:
Calling me old, bro? Haha, maybe not mature for my age, but intelligent in general perhaps?

I kid, I kid...I'm as dumb as a doorknob...
I think door knobs are rather refined.

Doorknob: Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.

Doorknob: D'ooooh!
Alice: Oh! I beg your pardon...
Doorknob: Whew. Quite all right, but you did give me quite a turn.
Alice: You see, I was following...
Doorknob: Rather good, what? Doorknob? Turn? Since one good turn deserves another, what can I do for you?

Alice: I simply must get through!
Doorknob: Sorry, you're much too big. Simply impassible.
Alice: You mean impossible?
Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing's impossible.

[Alice reaches the door to escape from the mob]
Doorknob: [tries to open the door] D'oh! I'm - still locked, you know!
Alice: [in horror] But the queen! I simply *must* get out!
Doorknob: [chuckles] But you *are* outside.
Alice: [releases her grip on the Doorknob] What?
Doorknob: [opens his mouth] See for yourself.
[Alice sees through his mouth and sees herself asleep with Dinah also sleeping on her lap by a tree in a beautiful meadow]
Alice: Why - why that's me! I'm asleep!
Queen of Hearts: [shouting from a distance, advancing toward Alice along with a mob of other characters] Don't let her get away! Off with her head!
Alice: [in terror, through the Doorknob's mouth] Alice, wake up! Please, wake up, Alice!
Queen of Hearts: [comes closer with the rest of the mob] Off with her head!
Alice: Alice! Please, wake up, Alice!
[as the mob draws nearer, the screen goes into swirling multicolor until it shows Alice sleeping by the tree]
Alice: [voiceover] Alice! Alice! Alice!
Alice's sister: [changes to her sister's] Alice! Alice! Will you kindly pay attention and recite your lesson?

Alice: [drinks from bottle] Mmm... tastes like cherry tart.
[shrinks down]
Alice: Custard.
[shrinks down]
Alice: Pineapple.
[shrinks down]
Alice: Roast turkey.
[now at minimum size]
Alice: Goodness! What did I do?
Doorknob: [chuckles] You almost went out like a candle!
Alice: But look, I'm just the right size!
Doorknob: Oh - no use.
Doorknob: I forgot to tell you.
Doorknob: I'm locked!
Alice: Oh, no!
Doorknob: But of course, you've got the key, so...
Alice: What key?
Doorknob: Now, don't tell me you've left it up there!