• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Snoop Dog Banned?


Well-Known Member
well despite what other countries think of us, there's no other country in the world I'd rather be then right here in the good ole U.S.A the land of the free, home of the brave, land of opportunity!

I heard Australia also banned cameras at beaches due to some people taking pictures of Chicks ...how nuts is that ??

As a Wise man once said "Austrailia can Shizzle on ma Nizzle" .


Well-Known Member
Wow that's all I can say about that! You are one spunky chick!


For banning a human being from being able to travel.....weren't those charges fullfilled by him once?....Since when are we supposta be put on trial twice for the same crime....If he took his punishment, and was not there to harm or cause conflict with anyone why is it such a big deal.....Is that the way Austraila is ...... If you do something wrong you are never to be forgiven???? Especially if you paid your debt.....I don't understand the close mindedness of others......I would like to meet you Vi.......I am begining to wonder if you put your pants on the same way I do......?


Well-Known Member
They really have no grounds in banning him from the country... his "extensive criminal record" has no bearing on entering a country... if he was a fugitive, or on probation which disallows his leaving the country... ok... but the fact is he can leave the country (USA), and has committed no crimes in australia. Its not like he is applying for immigration or something... just a tourist or work visa...

I personally think this goes back more to the bigoted history of Australia than anything else. Australia has a rampant undercurrent of racism, against asians, indians, blacks, the list goes on. I think there was a big deal not too long ago with Australians yelling racial epithets at pakistans cricket team or something...

This is the kind of singling out that laws are in place to prevent. If I were snoop, I would sue... whatever high court australia has, assuming it sticks to their constitution and Universal declaration of human rights, should find australian government liable, because if it were snoops "extensive criminal record" that is keeping him out, then a number of popular rock and punks bands that commonly tour australia wouldn't be allowed in the country...

Another country cannot pass judgement retroactively... and as I remember, snoop was aquitted of murder, and considering the amount of herb that he is routinely caught with, i'm sure that those charges never really stick to Snoop personally (his entourage i'm sure takes the hit when those charges arise)

Australia is making an ass out of themselves by implementing and announcing this decision... i'm sure they thought it was good PR... Although they really didn't need to take all the trouble to tell me they were bigoted. John Howard is an asshole, just look at their refugee and immigration policies.


Well-Known Member
i would like to know what are the stopping him form entering this time hes been here befor so why the sudden discrimination?


Well-Known Member
firstly HE ISNT BANNED, he failed a character test which means they will examine his case further. the media just made a big hoot about it saying he is banned to make some good news... secondly i am really dissapointed you think this way matcha... what proof do you have? have you lived here?

I personally think this goes back more to the bigoted history of Australia than anything else. Australia has a rampant undercurrent of racism, against asians, indians, blacks, the list goes on. I think there was a big deal not too long ago with Australians yelling racial epithets at pakistans cricket team or something...
Wow... what a surprise, sports supporters yelled comments at their rival teams - this has never happened before!

We DID have a race riot last year between the Lebanese in Sydney's west and "patriotic australians" - no body died, it was pretty much triggered by Lebanese gangs violently bashing a Life guard at cronulla beach. roughly 5000 people were involved... but it was NOTHING compared to the Los Angeles race riots.

may i remind you of the racism you experience in your country? in particular in the southern states - and ask how you think Australia is more racist then USA? and have you ever actually spent anytime here?

our country is only 200years old, which means everybody but Aboriginals are at least 1/8th 1/16th from some other country. Melbourne has the second highest population of greek people outside of Athens (this is true) We are a RIDICULOUSLY high percentage of "non-australians" - every day at work i encounter 2 or 3 people who do not speak english, and then there are 4-5 people who were clearly born in non-english speaking countries.

i fail to see how "australians" can be considered racist - when by my guess most of us are some part something else aswell. Mel Gibson by the way is American, was born there, holds residence there, is an american citizen... a TRUE australian actor is Hugh Jackman (and yahoo serious)

Australia is making an ass out of themselves by implementing and announcing this decision... i'm sure they thought it was good PR... Although they really didn't need to take all the trouble to tell me they were bigoted. John Howard is an asshole, just look at their refugee and immigration policies.
You are all making asses out of yourselves by listening to the media about some ridiculous "banning" - when if you cared to look into the facts, he failed a character test PRIOR to immigration which means he will have to do what he does every time he comes to australia, PAY FOR A VISA.

Keep an open mind guys, and watch what you say to stop yourself being hypocrits. Everybody loves the country they live in, but that doesnt mean that the country doesnt have faults (just like Australia has its faults too)


Well-Known Member

didn't mean to offend man (although reading back on that i guess there really is no way to have avoided offending...)

I'm not gonna say that the US doesn't have similar problems, because it does, and I have more issue with the US and our policies than I do about australia. I do think John Howard is questionable, just like Bush... they both fail to grasp the current political climate, and both are mired in old guard ways of thinking. Its no suprise they both support the iraq war, and for awhile Howard did take the role of Blair while Blair was taking heat.

I shouldn't have generalized that all australians are racist, cus i'm sure their not, the same way that every southerner isn't a racist...

The example of the aborigines is misleading, as Australia's dealings with the aborigines are very similar to the US's treatment of the native americans. "too little too late" reparations have been made to them, as have been made to the american indians. Also, i don't remember the specifics, but I believe australian government activley attempted to destroy the aboriginal culture by socializing their children...

all in all what I said was reactionary, but i still believe the concept of "character testing" is ridiculous.

Also, the abundance of foreigners in australia is partly due to Australia's actively recruiting foreign business and talent. Australia's scientific and technological presence has gone up, and its rise in international prestige is very much due to the influx of foreign talent. Yet John Howard denies port to refugees, and acts as though immigrants are a plague upon the country.

When the foreign talent flows to a country, and the economy booms, a natural effect is an increase in immigration, as there is an increase in opportunity for all levels of workers.

so i retract some things I said... but to the main argument, the "snoop" form of character profiling is baseless. I don't really think it achieves any purpose at all, if in fact someone who fails the test must simply pay for their visa. And those type of news stories are rarely "uncovered"... the administration most likely made this story public.

Last thing...Yahoo Serious is a genius. And Young Einstein is a modern masterpiece.

no hard feelings man.


Well-Known Member
I cant be bothered reading everything above....but reading the newspaper yesterday he lied or neglected to inform authorities of certain things...which is the reason why he was rejected from Australia, such as being on bail and something else. Plus last time her was here (to all you americanos!) he over stayed his visa by two days. So we have let him in before but he didnt follow the rules. If he was open in the start im sure he would have been let in. But he Lied plane and simple. He brought it on himself.


Well-Known Member
nah idk what you guys are talking about. this is fucked. australia is so fucked up. until the mid 70s u couldnt becoem a citizen if you werent white. they're banning snoop cause he had legal trouble?? their founding fathers are rejected british criminal trash!! what gaul.. plus snoop is the man! he's just hosting a show. he's probably fucking richer than most people in their country anyway. pff w/e tho
Ok... well most of the posts so far have been out of pure ignorance! People that have never been to Australia and probably never been outside of North America! Australia was no more founded by rejected british crimianl trash than the United States was... check your history books on this and you might be suprised to learn a bit that isn't advertised in the schools.

Here is one more issue that is just embarrassing me to be an American along with people that think it makes them more patriotic to bash anything that isn't American. Australians tend to be more patriotic towards America than most Americans! There is ONLY 1 country that has gone to war side by side with the United States in EVERY single foreign war since World War I. And that country is Australia! The government of Australia has backed the United States in almost every endevor to date... I would like to meet all the Americans that back the United States in almost every endevor... they just arn't easy to find!

You might want to think twice about bashing Australia, as to date they are one of our (yes I am a patriotic American!) biggest supporters! I have traveled the globe and out of the MANY countries I have visited... I hold Australia in the highest regard!!!

Thanks and hopes this helps (+1 for Aussie Rep!)


Well-Known Member
The point here is that if it was one of us we would not be able to travel internationally if we had a record like snoop. I think just cause hes pulled out some commercial raps lately doesnt mean he is any different to one of us and get the fuck over all this ingnorent shit. We grow great weed here under the great Aussie sun :D Peace


Well-Known Member
The point here is that if it was one of us we would not be able to travel internationally if we had a record like snoop. I think just cause hes pulled out some commercial raps lately doesnt mean he is any different to one of us and get the fuck over all this ingnorent shit. We grow great weed here under the great Aussie sun :D Peace

you can say that again bigbudeddie :mrgreen:

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
Ok... well most of the posts so far have been out of pure ignorance! People that have never been to Australia and probably never been outside of North America! Australia was no more founded by rejected british crimianl trash than the United States was... check your history books on this and you might be suprised to learn a bit that isn't advertised in the schools.

Here is one more issue that is just embarrassing me to be an American along with people that think it makes them more patriotic to bash anything that isn't American. Australians tend to be more patriotic towards America than most Americans! There is ONLY 1 country that has gone to war side by side with the United States in EVERY single foreign war since World War I. And that country is Australia! The government of Australia has backed the United States in almost every endevor to date... I would like to meet all the Americans that back the United States in almost every endevor... they just arn't easy to find!

You might want to think twice about bashing Australia, as to date they are one of our (yes I am a patriotic American!) biggest supporters! I have traveled the globe and out of the MANY countries I have visited... I hold Australia in the highest regard!!!

Thanks and hopes this helps (+1 for Aussie Rep!)
First of all, I don't 'bash anything that isn't American.' I hate close-minded people, as well. Besides, I've traveled all over Europe and North America and I'm totally about other people's cultures. It's fascinating and personally inspiring so fuck you for lumping me into that category of FOX news watching, steak and potatoes only kinda people.

Secondly, a country backing the U.S in military and political decisions doesn't make me respect them any more.. actually it leans me more toward LESS because our foreign policy is bullshit. It's capitalism at its finest and the reprucussions just happen to affect millions of lives, with no consideration of those lives in the process.

anyway i digress... I've had a personal problem with australia because of the whole..non-white citizen thing for a while now, so maybe I went bashmode on that. The fact still remains that this snoop issue is about media attention, race, and a bad decision by Snoop. Even if he lied on his papers, it's not like he could disappear into australia (or would even want to for that matter) because the man has a god damn camera in his face 24/7! You can't 'Skip Bail: Live.' They're just on some shit... some racist shit, some 'there hasnt been any australia headlines in international news lately' shit, and blowing this into an issue it shouldnt be.


New Member
I don't think the Aussies are banning Snoop-Dawg because of his criminal record. I think it has more to do with the Aussie's discriminating taste in music. Rap sucks!

