Hey guys and gals of roll it up I am a new grower( one grow under my belt) and I want to see if I have everything right. My first grow I grew with cfls and some pre made soil mix my buddy gave me. Got about half ounce on one plant. For my second grow i bought a 400 watt mh/hps grow light and some fox farm happy frog soil mixed with 1/4 vermiculite. I have been saving some good bag seeds over the years and pick 5 of the best looking ones. (4 sprouted) They are 11 days in and look good. I had some heat problems in the first week but i fixed that. In the next 2 weeks i am going to move to a 3 gallon pot till finish. My question is does everything look like its suppose to? i am hoping on the low end at lease one is female but thats mother nature for ya. Any input would be apprecated. ohhh and i am going to use the fox farm trio nuts but i dont think they need any yet.