Ha ive read that bs misleading article before , the critical info conviently left out of the article is in the 10 states who reported individual household as being higher none report how many households were forced to have both the mother & father working to atain a liveable wage .
Quote from the article = Dr long said that "Business Development people have told me that 2/3 of major business would not even look at Michigan before it was a RTW state but now that it is there have been alot of inquiries" , what a load of crap toughted as fact , its hearsay propaganda created by the ABC , the abc ARE the " people who told him " , wtf kinda junk economics uses the old " he told me so routine " , notice the lack of Business names as citation backing up these remark. , the good Doctors citations are " alot of people told me "

and this is from a man with a doctorate in business or economics ?? Silly shit there
Obahma dismissed that propaganda & rightly so because he saw its flawed & highly biased approach & the propaganda touted as fact .
That fancy little graph conviently leaves out how much of the increased household income comes from households where both parents are FORCED to work full time due to substantially lower wages , it also leaves out numbers showing families disposable income after paying full time child care costs .
Look behind the 2 people in the article touting RTW as a step up & you'll see private sector funding that can be traced back to the ABC lobby , surely in the case of Dr Brian Long who uses he said she said as examples of economic growth .
They told me so so its gotta be true , hahaha