Kindsir, no offense but I just wanted to give you my two bits that your questions are quite basic and therefore not best answered in a pot forum. The tent question drew a bunch of us in, but now you're asking q's that are best answered through basic reading on (dare I say it) "What makes a plant tick."
Seriously no offense, the folks at RIU are very helpful and a bunch of your q's will be answered- but with accurate answers? Only occasionally. (you've already seen some flamers go at it here in this thread supposedly about tents...) Obviously you've LOTS to learn, and I recommend getting the base level of knowledge via general grow books or reading the shit out of the forums here. They're a way better place to nail down a lot of the basic understanding of grow spaces, plants, etc. Then come back and post threads with specific questions that you can't find answers to.
Again I don't mean to be a dick but whole room vs tent and simple ventilation questions are covered ad infinum and expertly throughout this site. Folks at RIU are endlessly helpful, but honestly for the simple(r) questions you're asking here, some of the general grow guides will give you way better advice than the back/forth you'll get here.
Here's one to get you started:
Best of luck!