So, just crawled out from under a rock and learned about dabs


Well-Known Member
This stuff was recommended to try by a friend of mine. But when I went to pick up some (and the apparatus to smoke it with) the pipe looks like a crack pipe. No thanks. Too fragile anyway. Can't you smoke them through vape pen? If yes, can you just smoke the wax in a pen or do you need cartridges and all that shit?

I would need a pen/pipe/whatever that wouldn't get that much use, about once weekly if that. So can I buy a less expensive pen?
This stuff was recommended to try by a friend of mine. But when I went to pick up some (and the apparatus to smoke it with) the pipe looks like a crack pipe. No thanks. Too fragile anyway. Can't you smoke them through vape pen? If yes, can you just smoke the wax in a pen or do you need cartridges and all that shit?

I would need a pen/pipe/whatever that wouldn't get that much use, about once weekly if that. So can I buy a less expensive pen?
Eh ?

Neo, I'm so happy you're back around.
I've never tried any of this new-age, hipster bullshit either. I put weed in my pipe and smoke it.


J/K it's all good. This Amnesia Lemon is good.
I used to think the same thing until I tried it. It's so good and one good dab is equal to smoking 2 good size bowls of flowers. I guess it's an instant gratification kinda thing. I don't know why the font changed on this,weird.