right to work passed in wisconsin-now what?

but you don't know how many of the GOP'ers here really smoke/grow. they just say they do. most here are capitalist small business owners benefiting from the same government teat which they vote against.

marx had it right!

Sky, I like to grow and I smoke it daily and I voted to legalize pot. And I am not against unions unless they spend my dues on politicians and that I can not stand at all. Back in the mid seventies I belonged to a union and my first week on the job the other union workers told me to slow down because I was making them look bad when I would produce more products then the bare minimum. I couldn't understand that because if you produced more you got paid more, so the management moved me into my own department and I set production records when I could and my checks were bigger.

So my experience with the company I was working for at the time was held back because of the bare minimum union workers that were there at that time. That company went out of business in the early eighties. poof gone. sad but true.
Sky, I like to grow and I smoke it daily and I voted to legalize pot. And I am not against unions unless they spend my dues on politicians and that I can not stand at all. Back in the mid seventies I belonged to a union and my first week on the job the other union workers told me to slow down because I was making them look bad when I would produce more products then the bare minimum. I couldn't understand that because if you produced more you got paid more, so the management moved me into my own department and I set production records when I could and my checks were bigger.

So my experience with the company I was working for at the time was held back because of the bare minimum union workers that were there at that time. That company went out of business in the early eighties. poof gone. sad but true.

it's unfortunate there are such extremes. opposite side of the spectrum you see how employers cheat employees behind the scenes.

i've witnessed that more times than i can count as a paid third party observer.
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it's unfortunate there are such extremes. opposite side of the spectrum you see how employers cheat employees behind the scenes.

i've witnessed that more times than i can count as a third party observer.

Sky, I just had that one union job and it was just for two years, and it failed so water under the bridge I guess. I have friends that work at a paper mill and I believe they are doing pretty good with there unions. I really only dislike the political part when they take everyones money and then get behind one guy or gal.

There are really no unions in the fishing industry, just workers, so I only have that one personal experience.
Sky, I like to grow and I smoke it daily and I voted to legalize pot. And I am not against unions unless they spend my dues on politicians and that I can not stand at all. Back in the mid seventies I belonged to a union and my first week on the job the other union workers told me to slow down because I was making them look bad when I would produce more products then the bare minimum. I couldn't understand that because if you produced more you got paid more, so the management moved me into my own department and I set production records when I could and my checks were bigger.

So my experience with the company I was working for at the time was held back because of the bare minimum union workers that were there at that time. That company went out of business in the early eighties. poof gone. sad but true.
Out of curiousity are you a member of the nra? If you are it must really grind your gears that they use dues to make politcal contributions. I like firearms and like shooting them but those a holes will never get a cent from me, they are far to political nowadays
And the reason get behind dems (dont think they fund repubs but could be wrong) is because they support unions wgile republicans wrote legislation to dismantle them. I certainly wouldnt support the guy trying to end me lol
Out of curiousity are you a member of the nra? If you are it must really grind your gears that they use dues to make politcal contributions. I like firearms and like shooting them but those a holes will never get a cent from me, they are far to political nowadays

Hydro, No I am not an NRA member, a few years back I joined for one donation and now I just buy stuff at the gun store. But my wife started frowning at me when I raised the bed up to high to make room for more ammo, so I slowed down.
Sky, I just had that one union job and it was just for two years, and it failed so water under the bridge I guess. I have friends that work at a paper mill and I believe they are doing pretty good with there unions. I really only dislike the political part when they take everyones money and then get behind one guy or gal.

There are really no unions in the fishing industry, just workers, so I only have that one personal experience.

Nitro -

it's okay, you are my friend:hug:

Hydro, No I am not an NRA member, a few years back I joined for one donation and now I just buy stuff at the gun store. But my wife started frowning at me when I raised the bed up to high to make room for more ammo, so I slowed down.

i thought raising the bed up higher would make it easier for her to breach? maybe i am wrong.
What you can expect is lower wages , the end of pensions & replacement with IRA's where if you put too much per hour in your ira your 1st on the lay off list , regardless of skill or seniority, you can expect to see the costs of goods & services stay at current levels while wages take huge cuts .

You can expect large bonuses awarded to the corporate cronies while your hours are reduced to part time status , you can expect a lower yearly income while your cost of living goes up , you can expect corporate profits to skyrocket while you make less than ever before , you can expect the increased corporate profits to be dispersed to the top management & ceo's .

I Was in a unique position for decades where i saw unionized construction costs directly compared against non union construction costs , with a unionized construction workers hourly pay package being roughly 30% more than the non union counterpart common sense would tell us the non union building costs should be substantially less , this is not the case , ive seen hundreds of Multi Million & several Billion $ projects where higher cost union labor has cost as much as 15% less than non union bids , how is this possible ? Corporate greed !

Ive sat at hundreds of bid awards where multi million dollar projects were awarded to the low bidder , ive seen where union shops have beat out non union shops by less than $100k on projects over $10 million & much higher , again how is this possible ?

The answer is corporate greed , if anybody thinks any employer is gonna pay them a living wage comparable with their skill set becuase they are great guys think again & take a look at the history of labor in America , employers are only going to pay you as much as they have to & not a penny more , regardless of corporate profits .

I spent 32 yrs paying 2% of my wages in union dues & since retiring 4 .5 yrs ago have collected a monthly pension of nearly $6,000 a month , i will collect my pension till i die & if i die before my wife she'll recieve 50% of my pension for the rest of her life plus excellent health insurance .

Any non union retiree's around who's ex employers IRA package is sending them $5,800 a month because they worked so hard for them ?

Right to work being a tool to free up the economy of a state is an outright lie & has been proven to lower the quality of life of the hourly work force & leave communities with less income to spend .

Right to work laws are nothing more than an open door to corruption & cronyism in government & business .
What you can expect is lower wages , the end of pensions & replacement with IRA's where if you put too much per hour in your ira your 1st on the lay off list , regardless of skill or seniority, you can expect to see the costs of goods & services stay at current levels while wages take huge cuts .

You can expect large bonuses awarded to the corporate cronies while your hours are reduced to part time status , you can expect a lower yearly income while your cost of living goes up , you can expect corporate profits to skyrocket while you make less than ever before , you can expect the increased corporate profits to be dispersed to the top management & ceo's .

I Was in a unique position for decades where i saw unionized construction costs directly compared against non union construction costs , with a unionized construction workers hourly pay package being roughly 30% more than the non union counterpart common sense would tell us the non union building costs should be substantially less , this is not the case , ive seen hundreds of Multi Million & several Billion $ projects where higher cost union labor has cost as much as 15% less than non union bids , how is this possible ? Corporate greed !

Ive sat at hundreds of bid awards where multi million dollar projects were awarded to the low bidder , ive seen where union shops have beat out non union shops by less than $100k on projects over $10 million & much higher , again how is this possible ?

The answer is corporate greed , if anybody thinks any employer is gonna pay them a living wage comparable with their skill set becuase they are great guys think again & take a look at the history of labor in America , employers are only going to pay you as much as they have to & not a penny more , regardless of corporate profits .

I spent 32 yrs paying 2% of my wages in union dues & since retiring 4 .5 yrs ago have collected a monthly pension of nearly $6,000 a month , i will collect my pension till i die & if i die before my wife she'll recieve 50% of my pension for the rest of her life plus excellent health insurance .

Any non union retiree's around who's ex employers IRA package is sending them $5,800 a month because they worked so hard for them ?

Right to work being a tool to free up the economy of a state is an outright lie & has been proven to lower the quality of life of the hourly work force & leave communities with less income to spend .

Right to work laws are nothing more than an open door to corruption & cronyism in government & business .

This is an interesting tid bit about unions. I really thought it would of been a bigger group of workers than it is. And I believe you must of had an above average union job compared to this report. Anyway happy retirement, I just retired my self and I hope my business makes a profit down the road. And in a few years I can collect my SS check I hope. good luck.

Sky, I like to grow and I smoke it daily and I voted to legalize pot. And I am not against unions unless they spend my dues on politicians and that I can not stand at all. Back in the mid seventies I belonged to a union and my first week on the job the other union workers told me to slow down because I was making them look bad when I would produce more products then the bare minimum. I couldn't understand that because if you produced more you got paid more, so the management moved me into my own department and I set production records when I could and my checks were bigger.

So my experience with the company I was working for at the time was held back because of the bare minimum union workers that were there at that time. That company went out of business in the early eighties. poof gone. sad but true.

Your example was set in the 70's , much has changed in the new world economy since the 1970's & its now survival of the fittest , as your example pointed out companies who allow SLOTH LABOR are out of business .

The union's have changed & adapted since the US work force ruled the world , unions now days are the highest trained of all workers , have better worker saftey records of all workers , make products that compete equally with , or beat like products made by their non union counterpart companies & do so while paying fair wage packages .

The union company i retired from is currently ranked the 8th largest global construction corporation in the world & is highly profitable for its investors, management & hourly labor , the days of union slugs using their shovel to hold them up have been over for 30 yrs & didnt last that long to begin with .

Most people who've worked in a SLOTH LABOR union workplace in the 70's & early 80's were auto manufacturers , UAW suppliers or government unions , the UAW of today makes great products that compete world wide on cost & quality , local government unions who's workers try holding on to sloth work ethics are being outsourced at record levels & replaced with low bid contractors , many of them being union , the ones that survive are earning their pay ,in this economy it is work hard or be laid off in any union.

Examples of 30-40 yrs gone by do not reflect current economics or work ethics of union men & women , i was Management for Skanska Global Construction & my daily interaction with unionised tradesmen was one of a partnership , we ( Management ) lead by example & didnt sit in our job trailers , we are out on site making sure labor is doing their job safely , properly & attaining high levels of production , we dont need laws to help non union companies compete in this global market . The global economy weeds out the bad eggs .

Right to work laws have never put a dollar in the blue collar workers pocket & never will .
This is an interesting tid bit about unions. I really thought it would of been a bigger group of workers than it is. And I believe you must of had an above average union job compared to this report. Anyway happy retirement, I just retired my self and I hope my business makes a profit down the road. And in a few years I can collect my SS check I hope. good luck.


I read the report you linked & fail to see any negative statistics twords union labor other than union workers making about 25% more weekly vs non union workers .
I read the report you linked & fail to see any negative statistics twords union labor other than union workers making about 25% more weekly vs non union workers .

I didn't see anything negative either I just thought there was more union workers than what was reported. 11+% if I read it right.
well hmmm..lower cost of living in..MIAMI, florida? nope..DALLAS texas?..nope.

all RTW and all low in household income increase because of "FORCED" RTW.
So Miami and Dallas are the only cities in the south.
You sure know how to make an argument.
Now if only Christianity were the official language of the US.