DIY COB reflectors

Props to all who document results and actually try to maintain a degree of subjectivity. :-) I have learned a lot here. It takes a ton of work to document things in detail and I have mad respect for the effort put forth.

Ill nail up a link when I finally catch some time to build my new veg lights. :-)
@Greengenes707 if yall organized data better and didnt flame the forum noobs or people with questions who want to read would have a single resource instead of 10k plus worth of pages. u read and gunk up daily w bs like this. Ignorance is resolvable, stupidity is forever. ps u never posted the data I asked for lol. I was simply citing previously read info. Im glad you can pick up on that shelrock lol. see how stupid this gets and yea u come across like a douche, does it make u a douche in real life, idk. I do know that they tone you type with is arrogant as fuck. Not the attitude most are open to learn from. I Was looking to contribute, and supra did he posted a test and results for the posited question. you flamed. Whos would I follow, well if fannboy is the term you use, I call it logical thinking. now if I buy you a diffused lens can you test it bahahahahahah
Not to ignite the flames further or anything..^^

Side has shared more meaningful stuff than most.

Another note...this isn't a diy for dummies handbook..not yet at least. We are lucky to have the info here that we do. If you think a few hundred pages is too much to go through and highlight than that would be a problem for you.

A little like going to the ROLS subject, not reading everything, and than asking whats a good soil mix. The work and info is there if you want it.
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I am deleting my account due to greenes bs, I was hoping to contribute, but Being harrased by somone for no apparent reason other then I am new is bs and the reason you will lack results and essentially community, those of us who cared to get involved get happy for help and want to give bac. you make me want to stay the fuck away from here. Deuces.

Ive read hundered of forums on leds in the past 2 weeks this has nothing to do with my willingness to read it has to due with the way you let your community memebers attaack people for no apparent reason. idgaf how old new ect he is. being an ass hole doesnt help anyone.
No need to. You've asked questions. You got answers. Yes the answers may have already been there. But how many times have we repeated ourselves? Not like once more is gonna kill us. G wasn't an ass until he felt like he had to get defensive. He's not arrogant. Just move on and I guarantee down the road you will learn to respect him and probably get along. He's nothing like petflora, you would die with the bullshit he spewed everywhere. Btw where'd he go? :D
I am deleting my account due to greenes bs, I was hoping to contribute, but Being harrased by somone for no apparent reason other then I am new is bs and the reason you will lack results and essentially community, those of us who cared to get involved get happy for help and want to give bac. you make me want to stay the fuck away from here. Deuces.

Ive read hundered of forums on leds in the past 2 weeks this has nothing to do with my willingness to read it has to due with the way you let your community memebers attaack people for no apparent reason. idgaf how old new ect he is. being an ass hole doesnt help anyone.
Attack you??...I think it's the otherway around bro. But I don't quit when I get corrected for not knowing a subject I intend inform people about.
I have been called a douche and a prick multiple times now by you two. ( I think ap might be settling down)
For what??? Showing how something is not correct, putting the correct info out, and then defending it when lesser informed try to disprove for no reason other than they don't like that I am probably right with the stuff I have repeated many times. If you guys truly thought I was wrong you would actually read what I post so you can pick every little thing apart to show how and why I am wrong. But you don't. You just don't like my tone. which was just peachy before page 10 when you and AP didn't agree, but didn't have any support of it. And I will be out of here as soon as you stop bringing me up without showing where I am giving bad info or calling me names cause you're upset.
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Yea guys stick around. We all get our lumps around here I have been publicly called a fraud, liar, moron, troll-fucker (ok I made that one up). But on the other hand I have gained so much knowledge from RIU members it has been incredible bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie.
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Almost every time I come here (not just this particular thread), I feel a strong desire to post this...

I'm just taking a break from it all, snacking on popcorn and worms ;).

By the way, I never actually said you were a prick but that you acted like one 75% of the time. If I act like a bird, am I a bird? I specifically said that you were not a prick, just to be clear.

Lesson learned: don't ask open-ended questions.

You're all lucky that I don't get high and converse on here :lol:.

My apologies Supra for aiding in the jacking of this thread.
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Another thing that may be skewing the results slightly, because of the reflectivity of the wall, reflectivity and size of the reflector, some light hitting the wall is bouncing back to the reflector and then back again to the sensor. So once in the canopy that effect would be reduced because the canopy is not as refelcive as the wall. So the reflector results are slightly skewed in its favor but probably no biggy and it might be helpful in the canopy as well.

See how close 8" distance is in practice. Definitely some re-reflection going on that will not occur when using lenses. Edit: Just measured it, Wow 16000 lux bouncing back off that wall at the edge of the reflector.
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I notice light is shining through your white painted bottle tops you are using as reflectors, have you tried putting a layer of black or reflective paint before the white? thought maybe that might increase effectiveness of the reflectors.
Good observation I was wondering if anyone would notice that. When I made the first reflectors I used only one layer of paint. When I added a second layer there was a noticeable improvement in the numbers. But when I added a third layer there were no more gains. I am guessing that even though 3 layers may catch more photons, they dissipate inside the paint layer before they can get back out so it balances out. The reflector in the pic received 2 layers, so the photons we are seeing on the other side are apparently unrecoverable.
Not everything is at you @AquariusPanta, but glad your catching some things.
I don't really care about feelings when I see something put forth as fact when the actual data is supporting differently.
As for in the RIU bar "green light" and put his name in the by who part...
He has cited a study multiple times for a couple years now. That study clearly concludes with a high amount of green light being usable to photosynthesis.
And I was blown away that he more or less has switched his stance on the subject.
And just like you, he did not actually read what was linked, or even what he linked, just started disputing based on???

I am here to learn more than most anyone and used to a lot. But now am only finding people preaching without expirience or support of their own claims. And that there is very little progression actually taking place.
SDS and guod have put me in my place many times over the years, and I take it...learn my mistakes...and then keep learning it till there is not grey area left.

And @SupraSPL... That you for everything you do. I don't dissagree or question any of your tested data. Keep it coming as usual.
My problem is how they take the data and apply it to in use/final system performce.
Sorry to get this thread into this mood...but it had to be done.

that same study I be quoted for years stated plants absorb green light in the 10-30% range hence the debate. I never once switched my stance. It took a week and rereading 4 times to understand it originally. When I quoted the 0.75 from your study I under stood it as less than 1%. You said it was in 10ths / 100ths speak. That 0.75 stood for 75% of all light. Not just 75% of light absorbed. Then you told me to educate myself on absorptance. Which is the exchange of co2 gases at leafs surface. The amount of gas exchange can sway the amount of light absorbed. A these years I was under the impression plants absorb green light in the 10%-30% range. Not absorb more green light than blue light.... That study also stated 75% of light absorbed is in the deep red region. I don't think you are reading the studies.
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I could go through and quote where you groups mine and Aquariuses statements together and just bitch because we are trying to understand or gave a lil bad advice. but thats a waste of time. Nothing constructive at all. IF I could delete the account I would have.

To the fact that he HAD had to defend himself, its the internet. we can walk away, there is no defensiveness. if he responded to a request for data like that in science he would be gawked at lol. Just rethink before we press enter to contemplate what we say and weather or not its constructive. I was simply asking for data he stated he had collected, then green gets defensive lol. I cant show you that ramble ramble ramble!

I have watched greens and reals and quite a few others channels for a while now. you state u have studied the par outputs in vids too, but didnt provide comps or total data at all. So without others having that data is it any good? modern scientists would say no! Absent from contribution and helpfulness I was and it seems this may be the best way. to contribute this info needs to be clear concise and not fragmented over 40 threads that are up to 3 years old. You know if a thread is over 2 years old I consider it to be outdated? I was positing scenarios, aquas too, perhaps under the impression that situation analysis could provide larger insight into the knowledge base especially for new people. Any way thanks supra for everything man. Your the shit, your quantifiable research is awesome! and hopefully Ill read more from you and others like you who are willing to put ego aside and collect and analyze some data. I am not dumb. I do hypothesis testing and have ran countless amounts of data through many statistical programs for studies. I find science in analysis and comparison of data, not befuddled arguments of dataless mumbling... maybe we just don't speak the same language. I never did get my question answered though. you got the data you were talking about? not u of as data not some study on green light, I mean the umol output with lenses and reflectors you stated you tested. lol jk idgaf any more. in the name of science!
I was thinking the exact same thing about history repeating itself! That's the exact reason I think it's important to know about threads like the 3000k 80cri and light intensity analysis threads, as well as the journals and personal experience, and experience in general before making a general information thread.

Those threads give insight on what we were thinking at the time everyone was designing with the cxa and vero builds originally.

Lots of gold in the "old" threads

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Its hard to organize something into a outline when it is still being created.

Almost come off as a commercial guy begging for answers. Just sayin'
idk what you mean commercial guy, but I have been around a long time man. I just didnt get involved till recently for this purpose. I am building a light and was talked out of buying a commercial light by a few others here, including the guy who i was tiff'ing w just now. so they are very right about the knowlege being here. ITs just like ive read for weeks. and I mean like 4-6 hours a day. Pretty much consumed my non work time for the past 2 weeks. and each qualitative situation includes mess ups in process or like deficiencies ect that sway results. its not like im stupid. Again, I believe more so in quantitative rather than qualitative research. This is a huge difference in belief systems and really impedes when opposing scientist try to communicate. Honestly, they are two different languages.
Lots of gold in the "old" threads

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Its hard to organize something into a outline when it is still being created.

Almost come off as a commercial guy begging for answers. Just sayin'