injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
For me 98 plants with 49 per light (My fav is Diesel) is WAY easier to grow than 4,16 etc big monster plants. I can do 98 in a 48 area.Only time is sucks is the first two week of bloom when the get super crowded and then you need to prune 98 plants. Other wise I still hate pruning monster plants.

I'll see if I can dig out my photos of my test grows with 49 per light. I tried 64 but no difference in yield but the buds were fluffier. I had tons of them on grasscity years ago
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Well-Known Member
So now everybody will have to grow giant eaters.

Note to self : me and the goat are gonna need a bigger bus.
My "grow box" is essentially a bomb shelter. 9" thick concrete walls all around, other than the 2x steel fire-rated doors coming in from the basement. It's a DIY converted cold cellar, electrical and build beyond any local codes, grow boxes? Sounds like I should start setting up a business model for "", just bought the domain name, who's in on it? lol ;)

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Don't worry the grow box...that is all just chatter...won't come about. It's just amateurs learning as they go.
Haven't heard anything yet that works against us. Just that stupid video. That was a good move on the Gov's part. More tricks to come I'm sure. They may be just trying to look stupid at this point ( Gov )


Well-Known Member
Don't worry the grow box...that is all just chatter...won't come about. It's just amateurs learning as they go.
Haven't heard anything yet that works against us. Just that stupid video. That was a good move on the Gov's part. More tricks to come I'm sure. They may be just trying to look stupid at this point ( Gov )


Well-Known Member
Don't worry the grow box...that is all just chatter...won't come about. It's just amateurs learning as they go.
Haven't heard anything yet that works against us. Just that stupid video. That was a good move on the Gov's part. More tricks to come I'm sure. They may be just trying to look stupid at this point ( Gov )
hope so.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I bet the judge is yawing inside...he's been around the block and can't be completly uninformed on thses subjects.
When will the REAL MEAT of this case come out....because so far these 3.5 days haven't yielded much real decision making info IMO....but of course we aren't done.
I bet he already knows what he is gonna do....unless you shock him into some new thinking.