
She's actually a really nice person...having immigrated to Canada from Dubai less than a yr
Ago kinda gives her some wiggle room...the small things we assume are common sense are not always "common" when foreigners are involved.
She got a trendy hairdo, dresses very nice...I mean Guess..Prada. ..seriously her purse collection would drop Paris Hilton off the grid quickly. But deodorant ...will be a whole new experience.
HR and I thought of an idea...we don't want to offend her so she won't be singled out.
Emergency bags will be handed out in case you get stranded at work......this way I have an excuse to explain what's in the bag....

I didn't say she wasn't nice I said you pissed her off and she was evening the score, nicely LOL, quod erat demonstrandum, thanks.
I didn't say she wasn't nice I said you pissed her off and she was evening the score, nicely LOL, quod erat demonstrandum, thanks.

Fuck ur rude lady. Need likes that
Bad eh...hahaha

Pathetic...ya be the online bully...

Lol seriously pathetic behavior from someone I truly had much respect for.

Fuck ur rude lady. Need likes that
Bad eh...hahaha

I think the baby just smelt my coworker...or someone else's shitty that's being passive aggressive.

No, April, throwing another moderator under the bus is passive aggressive:

That was wrong and I stopped speaking with you then. You summoned me yesterday, still angry over that issue (although I am certain you will deny it). But I do find it amusing the pickle queen herself calls me rude, LOL. Yes it's better we both ignore each other. I completely agree and will no longer respond to you.
Jesus...tuck ur self right between her legs and lick already..
nothing mods do is anonymous pumpkin.. lol
