jimmy slim big
Well-Known Member
soo my new room is in my basement and i wanna make a hidden secret door from my laundry room.... who here has made one? or has seen one? just looking for some ideas thanks guys!
you beautiful basterd! that is perfect!! every bit of it lol thanks alot bro... i know just what im gonna do now...ill show you when im finnished... im gonna start it tomorrow maybe so ill be done by the weekend and ill post pics!!! .... and that right there is why sometimes just doing a (google search) doesnt always work and id much rather ask questions on here and have a conversation about it... for all those dbs that answer a post with ( if you search online you wont need to ask) thanks man!!
change the carpet out for tile in there the door will be harder to see .......right now cop would know to lift it out
honestly im only making the door hidden so my sons wont know how to get in lol my oldest is 15 and well you know....... we talked about it and all and he knew what i was doing in the basement anyways but still i feel better if he cant figure out how to get in ya know
pointless??? how so? the point it would serve is keeping people i dont want in the room out.... steel door.... considering a door like that would cost 3 times what my whole room cost i take it your just being snarky? either way making this door way really hasnt cost extra or has it been a hasle of any sort and i just think its pretty f ing badass so weather i needed it or not i would have still done it.... youll see ... its gonna be the tits!!In that case hiding is pointless. Why not use a heavy duty steel security door?