Challenges of Relocating

I know some "master growers" and some of them aren't even as good as me. Honestly, the majority of dispensary weed that I have seen or smoked is pretty shitty. And by shitty, I mean I used to get better shit in Florida than the vast majority of these dispensaries are selling, not really sure what the problem is. Perhaps demand is so high they simply don't give a shit because they know it will sell regardless?
The dispensary weed isn't as good as we can grow at home because they grow commercial trying to cheap out on everything they can to produce the maximum amount of product for the least investment to them to make the highest profits. Standard business practices in my book.
i manage 4 grow facilities w/ 500 flowering lights (total).

i do this w a team of 4 lead growers and about a dozen gardeners.

we have a very large trim crew where just about everyone starts. i came in w/ lots of grow experience and management experience in a daily production industry as an assistant manager on the harvest team.

one thing that nobody had mentioned yet is that supply in the laborforce is so great that demand, hence wages, are still low on the entry level. this keeps wages low even for the people who move into the grow team as gardeners.

my lead growers make a liveable low-mid class income. not as much as i want but enough to want to keep their jobs. my gardeners dont make as much as i wish they did but corporate knows that there are a gazillion people waiting to replace them so they wont pay.

another yet mentioned key point from an employer POV is that most of these entry level applicants think that we have a dab rig in the break room and a fridge full of edibles and we're all stoned at work all day. i'd say that less than 25% of the people who start w/ no cannabis experience have a reasonable expectation of the amount of work really involved in operating a 20k sq ft cannabis production facility harvesting 4-800 plants a week. which means transplanting 4-800 plants a week. which means cloning 4-800 plants a week. its a lot of work, it takes a lot of coordination between multiple departments, it takes good management. turnover is expensive and this keeps entry level wages low as well. i cant tell you how many people walk out after a week after they realize that its not unicorns farting rainbows and dabs all day.

qualified (cannabis knowledge & relevant experience in other fields) people who want a career & act like it can find one and make enough money for their wives to quit their jobs. it aint easy and it wont happen overnight & it probably wont even happen within a year, but its the truth.
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where ever the land of milk and honey is.....

its in a huge greenhouse with the biggest plants you can grow ..... well for my wife and child and i it is ..... how many pounds each year is enough?? like smokeys momma says " make it enough:)"
Having read this thread last month and just come upon it again, I feel compelled to add another viewpoint;

It's fuckin' Colorado! You're not coming to find work in the Rust Belt, we're the fourth fastest growing state by population percentage. The economy is doing well here, and not just for potheads.

If that's not enough, some of the most desirable cities to live in are here, as are pretty college girls and beer.

Oh, wait. What the Fuck am I saying?!

Don't come here. No jobs. Cold winters. Yah, that's it. Cold.
the equivalent of the dot com burst is looming in colorado, way too much production and shit quality, everyone is desperate as fuck, and it gets worse every single day. county brownies pull you over without cause on every major highway out of colorado in every cardinal direction, so your right to "road trip" otta here even for just fun... REVOKED. notice on the map that no legal states connect to colorado so seizures are through the fucking roof. way too many people out here already, denver metro is 3+ million folks. Housing has gone through the roof, if you can even find a place, just look at boulder, its NYC-esque pricing. Regular jobs are scarce once you get burned out of the legal weed industry, and it will happen. Trust me, these deuchebags are some of the worst people on earth and im talking about the vast majority of them. They have forced the plant indoors in one of the SUNNIEST PLACES IN AMERICA, WHAT THE FUCK. Sorry for the caps I am just so angry at the raping and pillaging of maryjane out here. Electrical costs in Boulder county, expensive as hell. honestly people should have stayed home and been more patient or gone further west, ALASKA is the final frontier, they just legalized it 3 days ago and its fucking 4 times bigger than california, WTF. The back pages of every newspaper out here are filled with the filthy shitty weed stores selling it for 99-80$ an ounce right next to the whores, because they cant get rid of it and the real cool kids still like the dont ask dont tell policy on weed. wholesale is like 1200-1800/lb max out here. just a real heads up

colorado is an awesome place though, its beautiful and its sunny alot. winter spring fall are awesome. if you can afford it and you are a professional that can find easy work out here, by all means come on out and grow your own legal weed and hook up your friends that come to visit. but unless you have big boy money to invest stay away from the legal industry. they profile you like FUCKING CRAZY too,when you get a badge, full DNA and everything when I got my key badge a few years ago. The rocky mountain girls in Boulder are like no others ive seen other than miami and la.
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really?? i guess consinging (SP?) like cali at the best shops is the way to go . To be really honest (a fault of mine) 2400 is where i let my top shelf go . but 3200 was my price as of 10-14 . after that there has been the expected huge influx of out of state cannabis. i really dont care what others get for cannabis.... i thank the creator for caregivers status... long as i can pay my taxes on what i sell to disp and caregivers .
on a side note the folks i caregive for pay less than 100$ per ounce . but the bulk gets used by disp and cargivers that have a need for tip top shelf... and long flowering hazes....

noun: wholesale
  1. 1.
    the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others.
the equivalent of the dot com burst is looming in colorado, way too much production and shit quality, everyone is desperate as fuck, and it gets worse every single day. county brownies pull you over without cause on every major highway out of colorado in every cardinal direction, so your right to "road trip" otta here even for just fun... REVOKED. notice on the map that no legal states connect to colorado so seizures are through the fucking roof. way too many people out here already, denver metro is 3+ million folks. Housing has gone through the roof, if you can even find a place, just look at boulder, its NYC-esque pricing. Regular jobs are scarce once you get burned out of the legal weed industry, and it will happen. Trust me, these deuchebags are some of the worst people on earth and im talking about the vast majority of them. They have forced the plant indoors in one of the SUNNIEST PLACES IN AMERICA, WHAT THE FUCK. Sorry for the caps I am just so angry at the raping and pillaging of maryjane out here. Electrical costs in Boulder county, expensive as hell. honestly people should have stayed home and been more patient or gone further west, ALASKA is the final frontier, they just legalized it 3 days ago and its fucking 4 times bigger than california, WTF. The back pages of every newspaper out here are filled with the filthy shitty weed stores selling it for 99-80$ an ounce right next to the whores, because they cant get rid of it and the real cool kids still like the dont ask dont tell policy on weed. wholesale is like 1200-1800/lb max out here. just a real heads up

colorado is an awesome place though, its beautiful and its sunny alot. winter spring fall are awesome. if you can afford it and you are a professional that can find easy work out here, by all means come on out and grow your own legal weed and hook up your friends that come to visit. but unless you have big boy money to invest stay away from the legal industry. they profile you like FUCKING CRAZY too,when you get a badge, full DNA and everything when I got my key badge a few years ago. The rocky mountain girls in Boulder are like no others ive seen other than miami and la.
Wonder what prices will be after the outdoor crop comes in this fall? For some reason, I feel it might be hard to try and get in the biz in Colorado. Those who are already established and who are efficient will be fine. Those who are just trying to get a foot in te door now should realise that at some points, the startups that are already struggling will consolidate. And like in all of life, the strongest will survive and prevail. Maybe AK is the next op. Sure gets cold there tho.
Wonder what prices will be after the outdoor crop comes in this fall? For some reason, I feel it might be hard to try and get in the biz in Colorado. Those who are already established and who are efficient will be fine. Those who are just trying to get a foot in te door now should realise that at some points, the startups that are already struggling will consolidate. And like in all of life, the strongest will survive and prevail. Maybe AK is the next op. Sure gets cold there tho.

As go Colorado, Washington and California, so will go the rest of the country soon.

If you aren't already in the game and have your startup costs amortized, you're well behind the curve.

AK is pretty much empty and the locals have had the market sewn up for years now. Moose don't buy weed. Neither do bears.

My game is different; I'm selling technology and services to commercial operators that will allow them to maintain a profit margin even as prices continue to fall. I'm about to get real popular- and busy!