What's ur addiction other than growing :-)

Is it terribly politically incorrect that I (a woman) find this fucking hilarious ?
Nope there is nothing wrong with finding my post funny, that's what it was meant for. I'm mean I don't actually jerk off to that thought a lot... I've only done that like 53 & 1/2 times.

The half time was actually during "half time" so I didn't get a chance to finish

Go figure
Mcintosh hifi is a huge addiction for me .

I would love a pair of Martin Logan's and maybe the parasound halo line, 2 of the Jc1 400w mono blocks and their pre amp

I demo'd logans in my home before & they have great clarity but most lack the bass thump in the 20hz range & need subs to get that low .

Here is a pic of my actual speakers taken from Roger Russells Mc site, they are one of a kind Mcintosh XR 290's made by Mc designer Roger Russell for his system , i bought them from him & got his autograph on the back of them , its the only pair ever made in white & are the pride of my collection , i had them shipped from Miami Florida to Bloomfield Hills Michigan .

Right now they're tri amped with Mc 1201 1,200 watt monos on the woofers , Mc 500 500 watt monoblocks on the mids & dual Mc 2102 200 watt tube amps on the tweeters , its all ran thru a Mcintosh C-2200 tube Preamp.

I waited 15 yrs for Roger to sell me these & they were worth waiting on , they thump hard as hell with the same clarity of an elecrostat like Logans .
I demo'd logans in my home before & they have great clarity but most lack the bass thump in the 20hz range & need subs to get that low .

Here is a pic of my actual speakers taken from Roger Russells Mc site, they are one of a kind Mcintosh XR 290's made by Mc designer Roger Russell for his system , i bought them from him & got his autograph on the back of them , its the only pair ever made in white & are the pride of my collection , i had them shipped from Miami Florida to Bloomfield Hills Michigan .

Right now they're tri amped with Mc 1201 1,200 watt monos on the woofers , Mc 500 500 watt monoblocks on the mids & dual Mc 2102 200 watt tube amps on the tweeters , its all ran thru a Mcintosh C-2200 tube Preamp.

I waited 15 yrs for Roger to sell me these & they were worth waiting on , they thump hard as hell with the same clarity of an elecrostat like Logans .
Beautiful speakers brother. I'd love to sit in your room and listen to some Zeppelin and get stoned as hell.

It'd be awesome yet awkward because I'd have to ask that we didn't talk, just listen
I demo'd logans in my home before & they have great clarity but most lack the bass thump in the 20hz range & need subs to get that low .

Here is a pic of my actual speakers taken from Roger Russells Mc site, they are one of a kind Mcintosh XR 290's made by Mc designer Roger Russell for his system , i bought them from him & got his autograph on the back of them , its the only pair ever made in white & are the pride of my collection , i had them shipped from Miami Florida to Bloomfield Hills Michigan .

Right now they're tri amped with Mc 1201 1,200 watt monos on the woofers , Mc 500 500 watt monoblocks on the mids & dual Mc 2102 200 watt tube amps on the tweeters , its all ran thru a Mcintosh C-2200 tube Preamp.

I waited 15 yrs for Roger to sell me these & they were worth waiting on , they thump hard as hell with the same clarity of an elecrostat like Logans .
Those speakers are pretty sick panhead ... i'm jealous:mrgreen:
Beautiful speakers brother. I'd love to sit in your room and listen to some Zeppelin and get stoned as hell.

It'd be awesome yet awkward because I'd have to ask that we didn't talk, just listen

Naw , it wouldnt be awkward, when i have friends over into my main listening room its for critical listening , i'd give you the remote & access to about 10,000 albums & cd's n let ya go nutts , the speakers are impossible to over drive & wont blow , each tweet can take 50 watts so they drink power .

When i 1st got the 290's it was my 3rd pair of Mc line arrays so i knew what to expect , or i thought i did , i maxed the rig out at 157 db @16 ft & listened to Metallica "One" , after 1 song i had to go lay down & rest , the spl from those 400 pound beasts consumes you .