who else here is left handed

I never got cut bad. You know how aluminum spirals when drilled? I took one to the eye.

You know how dam hard it is to hold you eye still?

Remember folks. If you come across an eye injury, cover both eyes. It helps keep them from moving.
I almost cut my thumb off bumping some 20 gauge into a cnc machine. Only time I took my gloves off...stupid,stupid stupid. Scar is awesome tho
I almost cut my thumb off bumping some 20 gauge into a cnc machine. Only time I took my gloves off...stupid,stupid stupid. Scar is awesome tho
Your a girl, what the hell you doing playing with CNC machines? CNC work is dangerous, like leaving your chuck in a old machine then turning it on, that shit can kill you instantly. Or having a shirt get caught in lathe.. I use to do CNC work... never again.. but I have to admit they do pay good
Your a girl, what the hell you doing playing with CNC machines? CNC work is dangerous, like leaving your chuck in a old machine then turning it on, that shit can kill you instantly. Or having a shirt get caught in lathe.. I use to do CNC work... never again.. but I have to admit they do pay good

I worked maint at a place that had an old lathe. It was sloppy and dangerous.
Your a girl, what the hell you doing playing with CNC machines? CNC work is dangerous, like leaving your chuck in a old machine then turning it on, that shit can kill you instantly. Or having a shirt get caught in lathe.. I use to do CNC work... never again.. but I have to admit they do pay good

I've seen two people killed at work. Both jobs I quit. Both were dangerous places where the bosses didn't give a dam about safety.
When I was in high school I went to trade school. I took machine shop and welding. The machine shop teacher was an angry old man and he also taught my dad. My dad told me a story about a bunch of his friend leaving the chuck keys in the lathes and switching them to reverse so when Mr.Turner turned power on the next morning they would all throw the keys towards him. Guess what me and my friends did...........? That angry old man was a fucking dickface to us.

I used to make pipes in there and sell them for $10 a piece. Made several hundred dollars while I was in there. I would sell weed and pipes.........good times, good memories.
Me either bro
My youngest is bat shit crazy, a leftie and the most creative person I've ever met.
Hitler was a nice dude, he was very misunderstood..He said he wanted " glass of juice" not gas the jews!!!

And I googled it, he is right handed @Unclebaldrick ...oh you were trolling....

Very misunderstood indeed, he actually said waffeln, how they came up with waffen is still a mystery to many but he was a Wiener dude so and loved his breakfast pastry, shrug, he took it in stride and not wanting to hurt any feelings of his German friends, figured it was just his accent.

Oops. I thought this was about vagetarians.

Fixed it for you, de nada.

Lefty. just like racerboy
Why does this not surprise me.