MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

there's usually a reason why they give you attention...if you are truly "doing nothing" then there would be no reason to suspect you.
Was following this thread, I think I missed Hash and Bong info, or it was never mentioned.
I was feeling bad for you reading this but more info keeps pooping up, like hash, bong, someone mentioned 80g's.
I think you're not telling us everything, but congratz on getting some closure.
Why not ask them what is the legal reason you are not getting back your legal medicine?
This is the first time I've heard about the hash...
the reason regarding my medicine I was told was that they never return opened medication. I Was told to contact the officer in charge of my case if I have nay further questions.

as for the hemp seeds, those were Singing Canary Hemp Seeds, a registered company here in Canada that sells whole-shelled, roasted(to remove any possible THC) hemp shells for edible purposes. Fully legal to carry, no license required.

He wont get the hash back but no legal reason for the weed...unless he was dumb enough to get caught slinging dime
was simply "caught" smoking outside of the fair grounds. All my charges were withdrawn and I was told I could get my belongings back from the judge, but now I am being told the complete opposite from the police station.

Anyone know how I can go about getting a copy of my court case?
those items were simply in my possession, as for the hash I didn't mention it in the initial story as I was warned by some to watch what I post publically. As the case happened I spoke more about it in the comments. The bong I figured was irrelevant. The hash charge was dropped in the end as was the cannabis charge.
I think you can ask the court clerk for a copy of your case.

So to went to Canada's Wonderland with a buddy.
You took your mmj. some hash, a bong ( not worried about breaking it on a ride? ), 80 grams of legal hemp seed. doesn't come as a shock to me why you were a person of interest.
... All my charges were withdrawn and I was told I could get my belongings back from the judge, but now I am being told the complete opposite from the police station.

Anyone know how I can go about getting a copy of my court case?

Go back to the courthouse and ask the clerks at the front counter for a copy of the order from the judge ordering your property returned to you.
The hash explains a lot I'd say.......Cops usually think hash is something " extra " evil lol
...Same with oil....flips em out sorta.
Just the word hash excites some folks who don't really know what it is.
there is another horror that has been "goin round" for years

according to Brit newspapers[ and they should know!!]

its called " potent skunk cannabis"

get out that reefer madness movie…and learn it

it has come to roost

be fearful ---->very
I think you can ask the court clerk for a copy of your case.

So to went to Canada's Wonderland with a buddy.
You took your mmj. some hash, a bong ( not worried about breaking it on a ride? ), 80 grams of legal hemp seed. doesn't come as a shock to me why you were a person of interest.

to put it briefly, yes that was what occured - went to wonderland with a buddy of mine, and whilst medicating security came up to me, declare dmy documents not valid and arrested me. Incident to search they found everything. I presented them my bottle of Cannabis as that is what is required as per MMPR reulations.
the 80 grams is only 3 of the small sized packages of edible hemp seeds so its not much, I go through them rather fast as theyre just so tasty.

there is more to this story I'm .02

ask away any questions you'd like, the case is over. I'll answer anything you'd like,

Go back to the courthouse and ask the clerks at the front counter for a copy of the order from the judge ordering your property returned to you.
I'll be calling the courthouse first to see if that is something they can do in house that day as it's a 2.5+ hours one way to the courthouse via public transit.... not fun.
to put it briefly, yes that was what occured - went to wonderland with a buddy of mine, and whilst medicating security came up to me, declare dmy documents not valid and arrested me. Incident to search they found everything. I presented them my bottle of Cannabis as that is what is required as per MMPR reulations.
the 80 grams is only 3 of the small sized packages of edible hemp seeds so its not much, I go through them rather fast as theyre just so tasty.

ask away any questions you'd like, the case is over. I'll answer anything you'd like,

I'll be calling the courthouse first to see if that is something they can do in house that day as it's a 2.5+ hours one way to the courthouse via public transit.... not fun.
Hey Ninja
Glad it's over with for you. You are now an Official Brother in this fight for sanity. You just paid the dues necessary to qualify as being " royally fucked " by the man.
your a young guy so learn and be more careful as we are NOT free yet.
Hey Ninja
Glad it's over with for you. You are now an Official Brother in this fight for sanity. You just paid the dues necessary to qualify as being " royally fucked " by the man.
your a young guy so learn and be more careful as we are NOT free yet.
Lol next time "security" wants to search you tell them to go fuck themselves and walk away.

yeah..... next time I'm put in a situation similar to the one above I will simply walk away. I've learned in every instance trying to educate or correct an officer of any kind just does not end well. Be it the security guard asking about paperwork that hasn't been valid in years or a Toronto Police officer telling me I'm lying about the mmpr being in existence(while I was trying to show him the copy of the regulations health canada sent me). Sadly I feel like my age plays a large role in their belief that they can push me around. Hopefully one day things will change....

I will update this as I see posts that require a response and I will update with the steps I had to take in order to get my belongings back in case anyone is put in a similar situation