Karma Genetics

Anyone know where to get a pack of headbanger beans? Seems to be out of stock unless I want singles :(

There were some available in a few places just days ago. I've checked all the retailers Karma that he trusts and there aren't any available at the moment.

If you wait a month or two, there will be a restock of Headbanger in most retailers Karma uses.

These are MUST HAVE ladies, then again, so are most flavors from his stable.

EDIT: I just talked to Karma and he said it should be in stock everywhere by April. Said he has hundreds of packs ready to go and just letting them dry before shipping them off. They might be available before April.

Don't forget - White Snake is White OG V2.0 x Headbanger... just in case you want to pop some Karma gear now.
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There were some available in a few places just days ago. I've checked all the retailers Karma that he trusts and there aren't any available at the moment.

If you wait a month or two, there will be a restock of Headbanger in most retailers Karma uses.

Retailer list:

These are MUST HAVE ladies, then again, so are most flavors from his stable.

EDIT: I just talked to Karma and he said it should be in stock everywhere by April. Said he has hundreds of packs ready to go and just letting them dry before shipping them off. They might be available before April.

Don't forget - White Snake is White OG V2.0 x Headbanger... just in case you want to pop some Karma gear now.

Mate, you are a freakin legend, the info you have given me (and everyone) in this thread is very much appreciated :-D
@SmokeAL0t - I appreciate all the info you've been dropping in this thread

+ rep, if there were still such a thing.
Mate, you are a freakin legend, the info you have given me (and everyone) in this thread is very much appreciated :-D

I started out as a regular scrub and was graced by fate to form a relationship with Karma earlier than perhaps I deserved to. It was his trust in me that opened the door with JJ (Top Dawg) for me and more than likely, soon will be working with Bodhi, too. Had Karma not taken a leap of faith with me (can't really discuss the details of what kicked everything off), I wouldn't be where I am now. Also - I'm not Smoke A Lot seeds - I'm "RandomMan," from a different forum..... I created this account before I knew Smoke A Lot seeds was even a company. I've even hit up Breeder Brad to offer this account to him and hit up Sunni, here on RIU, to request a name change (to RandomMan)... but they don't roll like that... can't name change here.

Not sure why Breeder Brad hasn't replied to me about this account, but if he says the word, I'll delete this account and create one with my known handle.

Moving forward, I feel like I hit the common man's lottery and can't explain how privileged and humbled I am to know these guys on a real level - they're my fucking heroes, really.

Karma trusts me to keep eyes on the forums he doesn't have time to frequent. I've put hundreds of hours into his and JJ's website (JJ's not yet public) and am HONORED to drop some Karma knowledge on everyone. I think the majority of anyone reading this thread would feel the same way I do.

Words can't express how grateful I am to be in such a position - this last year has been a nightmare in my personal life.... my green endeavors are just about all that's kept me going (that and my small family). When I need Karma to answer a question for me or need personal support he's always there. Just now getting to know JJ but can promise you - they're both amazing people. I'm fortunate to know Karma's gear really well and can only hope my endeavors with JJ (and likely Bodhi in the near future) will follow suit. Such good people - I feel very undeserving. Just today, Karma told me I'm part of his crew. I'm beside myself right now, overjoyed, to say the least.

It brings me great joy to share my internet knowledge with them and help raise awareness of Karma's kindness and better yet, his amazing gear. Aside from that, it was his superior work, his selection of various flavors, that led me to him. Before I approached him about working with him, it was his BADASS gear that prompted me to reach out to him. I truly think his gear can hold weight with anyone in the history of the game. My passion for gardening is second to none. I'm super glad to be able to shed some light in this community as to how proper he is and how legit his gear truly is.

Anytime y'all have a question, just let me know. If I can't answer you with near certainty as to what you're needing, I shoot him questions and he ALWAYS answers IMMEDIATELY. This shit is like a fantasy for me.

I can't take any credit for anything I've done..... can only pass the buck to where the credit is due. Trust me though, Karma gear is second to none. His personality matches. I know this isn't a Top Dawg thread, but I know Karma looks up to JJ and admires him the same way I do. When the time comes for us to launch JJ's site, I hope to be able to help in the same way.

Sorry for the tangent but I cannot sit back and act like I deserve any credit here.... I deserve NO credit - Karma deserves it all. I can't believe he puts his trust and faith in me the way he does.... I just can't believe I deserve any of the love. Give that to him - show your support his direction.

I'll do my best to represent Karma, both as a breeder and by knowing his beliefs, to the best of my ability. Forgive me if I ever mention something that's wrong.... there's so many strains (cultivars) to learn about, I think I'll be learning his stable for years.

I appreciate the kind words and am very flattered to read whatcha wrote - reckon that's why you see this wall-o-text now.

Karma on, my friend! You WON'T find a single strain from Karma that's not fire. His selection is so fucking impressive. Hope one day to join his staff in the garden and learn from my hero.

Good shit, sir. Thank you for being kind enough to say whatcha did... it just took me by surprise.

Blessed vibes in all your endeavors, sir.

Much love to anyone showing support to Karma. Big things coming in 2015 - just wait to see what he has in store for us all.

Rambling over now - sorry bout that.

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More wins than I ever dreamed imaginable.

Thank you so much... also ... my browser only showed mo's reply at first - which explains my edit and why the reply was to one person rather than two initially..
Mate, that is a truly special story and it gives me and others great confidence in Karma and his gear. I'm sorry to hear of your personal troubles too mate, I hope they are long in the past now! Can't wait to read of your new adventures with Bodhi and JJ too, I've been a big fan of Bodhi for a while so it can only mean great things! Thanks again mate and I will be purchasing some Karma gear real soon :-D
I know you posted this a month ago, but if you are still looking the jack o nesia is 45 dollars at seedsman right now with a free 5 pack of strawbanana cream. I ordered a pack of the sssdhxjack yesterday. Great price on the biker kush also, bThanks for looiut I already have a pack of those.

Thanks for the heads up on that. I dont think he takes a m.o. anymore. If anyone knows different, pm me. thanks
Karma is the man!! Super chill vibe from him. I chatted with him and always answered my q's and looked out for me like crazy!!
For all the dirtbags in this industry I can safely say that karma and bodhi are the furthest thing from that you'll see in this game. I got sour jack, old grandpa scratch, strawbanna cream, solos stash x biker from him. Look on icmag and you'll see the fire that karma drops!!
There were some available in a few places just days ago. I've checked all the retailers Karma that he trusts and there aren't any available at the moment.

If you wait a month or two, there will be a restock of Headbanger in most retailers Karma uses.

Retailer list:

These are MUST HAVE ladies, then again, so are most flavors from his stable.

EDIT: I just talked to Karma and he said it should be in stock everywhere by April. Said he has hundreds of packs ready to go and just letting them dry before shipping them off. They might be available before April.

Don't forget - White Snake is White OG V2.0 x Headbanger... just in case you want to pop some Karma gear now.

This seed bank says headbanger is in stock:
