LP's and the MMPR equals Greed

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Don't need to say much about it. They have a simple plan. Over charge sick people.
The mmpr and lp's equal taking your money from you for something you could do for yourself.
These scum bags see you as a cash cow to make money from.

Fight Back !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Corporations are all about greed, no all LPs will be huge American corporations. If and when the little guys get a chance you will see compassion and understanding, it's not always about money. There are still some people who believe in humanity, and compassion.


The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Corporations are all about greed, no all LPs will be huge American corporations. If and when the little guys get a chance you will see compassion and understanding, it's not always about money. There are still some people who believe in humanity, and compassion.

I personally would only buy from you if it was legal and there were many others to buy from as well. Like road side fruit stands.
Anyone who thinks it's okay if there are only so many growers looses my support instantly.
If individual grow rights are lost or never come...you watch me disobey man.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, if one group is approved to grow, there should be no reason to let all grow. It's a frick en plant. Why should only the rich and privileged be the only one able to grow cannabis, it's the people's plant. Everyone should have the CHOICE to use the plant in however they see fit, and to obtain the plant from whatever source they want.


The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hippy....I'm gob smacked! Are you softening your position?
I don't think so....same as I've always felt......Lp's are okay with me only if personal grow rights are kept and it goes legal.
To me, then it's a free market.
road side stands sounds kinda nice...go from one to another grabbing a few of this and a few of that...maybe trade some of mine....ah paradise.
In my vision LP's would have hard time because we would all be growing. so who would really need them.
Thousands of small growers....variety.....competition.
But the Gov's little design for me where as I buy from BIG LP's or corps.....ain't gonna fuckin happen......eh Mojo


Well-Known Member
I agree the lps could serve a real purpose of actually helping people who either cant or dont want to grow their own. However the prices need to be regulated. I see lps in the same light as car insurance. The government says we all have to have it but they are allowed to gouge and charge whatever the fuck they want and thats not right.
Its a plant....anyone with a bag of miracle grow soil and and a bag seed should be able to grow.
The idea of only allowing lps to grow to "take it out of the hands of organized crime" makes no sense since only organized criminals are the ones with enough money and connections to open an lp.


Well-Known Member
Which is why HC is to blame and at fault for the current mess that is the MMPR, LP's could be good, they could have fair prices, but by only approving 0.25% of applicants based on arbitrary or corrupt reasons is why we do not have lower priced cannabis and a fair market.

Most if not all current LP's are horrible not just in product quality and price but in the manner that their values lay with their board members, shareholders, and the almighty fucking dollar, not the patient or plant. It would be nice to see one NON profit LP or at least another wanna be with the same goal.

Fucking sick of all the press releases pushing their brands and financial outlook info.