ban the dickhead who copy and pastes

should riu ban copy/paste threads which serve no purpose other than benifiting the poster financiall

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See now were getting somewhere , is he posting advice or reccomendations that could cause people to overdose or end up in hospital ?

If so anybody reading those posts is obligated as a man ( not snitching ) to notify a staff member via pm or report post button , im an old stoner so maybe my ways are outdated but where i come from people getting high have obligations to only offer sound advice based on safe & proven useage methods , not based on wild ideas that could leave somebody injured or dead , were supposed to look out for each other , lets face it most of us are shut in's for the most part due to our growing & all we got is each other to depend on for advice , one rotten apple deal .

Obviously common sense dictates you research things & dont take forum advice for dangerous actions but all youngsters arent that smart , they look at misleading things like post count & think if somebody has that many posts they must know wtf they are reccomending & trust the advice .

I dont know the particulars but if he truly is reccomending harmfull methods or concoctions i strongly suggest you guys gather up examples & foward them to Sunni or Greatwhitenorth for review .
Not quite 2 yrs ago a lotta good chemists who know their shit got banned for protesting his chemistry techniques. Not sure how I escaped. Its all in the archives. The thing about him is that he doesn't really do stuff. He reads about something, thinks its cool and then goes into guru mode. When he got into chemistry and extractions, well a lotta folks got upset
Not quite 2 yrs ago a lotta good chemists who know their shit got banned for protesting his chemistry techniques. Not sure how I escaped. Its all in the archives. The thing about him is that he doesn't really do stuff. He reads about something, thinks its cool and then goes into guru mode. When he got into chemistry and extractions, well a lotta folks got upset

I remember this.

Hahaha he was trying to teach people about polarity in solvents and how to extract, except his methods are from a comic book and seated in fantasyland.

See now were getting somewhere , is he posting advice or reccomendations that could cause people to overdose or end up in hospital ?

If so anybody reading those posts is obligated as a man ( not snitching ) to notify a staff member via pm or report post button , im an old stoner so maybe my ways are outdated but where i come from people getting high have obligations to only offer sound advice based on safe & proven useage methods , not based on wild ideas that could leave somebody injured or dead , were supposed to look out for each other , lets face it most of us are shut in's for the most part due to our growing & all we got is each other to depend on for advice , one rotten apple deal .

Obviously common sense dictates you research things & dont take forum advice for dangerous actions but all youngsters arent that smart , they look at misleading things like post count & think if somebody has that many posts they must know wtf they are reccomending & trust the advice .

I dont know the particulars but if he truly is reccomending harmfull methods or concoctions i strongly suggest you guys gather up examples & foward them to Sunni or Greatwhitenorth for review .
I think I got warned last time about my comments in his 'pharmuashca' thread...I think that's how its spelled..
Anyhow if I even fart in his direction i get attacked by savage thespian Vegas whores...people listen to him get sick,no way around it..he states shit like its fact,when its half truths,with out the dangers pointed out...very dangerous stuff IMO..
Were here for safety and real truth in IMO I wrong? No?
who are you rory420420, and why do i already not like you?
I'm a sun lovin spunion loving judgemental mentals leaving their egos ornamental...
Be have no reason to like or dislike me...
Choose wisely your destiny you will...
View attachment 3356786
I'm a sun lovin spunion loving judgemental mentals leaving their egos ornamental...
Be have no reason to like or dislike me...
Choose wisely your destiny you will...

Yoda is a fictional character.

Just giving you the heads up there.

I'm totally easy brah. I simply stated that I already have bad vibes about you, I was not personally attacking you, nor was I trying to start a debate. I simply came here to add my thoughts. I'm totally easy. In fact, I'm so high, that I can be nothing BUT easy.

Wasn't debating Yoda...
And if you'd looked,asked around,youd know I'm as cool as the underside of your pillow...
IMG_20141025_141309.jpg IMG_20141025_141309.jpg IMG_20141025_141309.jpg
Werd son. But you attached the same image, 3 times.

Normally I don't see peeps posting their own threads asking to ban somebody, it's just odd.

It's kinda like calling the cops on your neighbor because they grow pot.
This site and my phone hate each other..
And how is posting in my thread like calling the cops about anything?
If you looked around some you'd understand..this issue needs to be dealt with..too much bullshit and no one wants to do anything but hand out 'warnings'..
I'm a just character and don't judge really.. But this fucker is dangerous,and makes riu a little less of a good shithole it is...
Has the Unnamed one ever posted in a thread he didn't start himself? I was wondering the other day.

I think it's quite likely he has the entire membership on ignore as I'm not sure I've ever seen him reply to anything directed at him even if somebody says his OP is cool or interesting...

On fins screen, RIU is just a list of his threads only containing his notes and musings.
A couple times a year some new grasshopper starts a thread like this. And eventually in the thread someone says, "there should be a shitbaggy sticky"

You whippersnappers missed some seriously funny shit. A lot of us were making memes of the turd and he was loving it. He kept telling us how we were only making him rich. He even came to love osterich milk.

These threads remind me of a joke

A man is sent to prison for the first time. At night, the lights in the cell block are turned off, and his cellmate goes over to the bars and yells, "Number twelve!" The whole cell block breaks out laughing. A few minutes later, somebody else in the cell block yells, "Number four!" Again, the whole cell block breaks out laughing.

The new guy asks his cellmate what's going on. "Well," says the older prisoner, "we've all been in this here prison for so long, we all know the same jokes. So we just yell out the number instead of saying the whole joke."

So the new guy walks up to the bars and yells, "Number six!" There was dead silence in the cell block. He asks the older prisoner, "What's wrong? Why didn't I get any laughs?"

"Well," said the older man, "sometimes it's not the joke, but how you tell it."
Finshaggy Urban Dictionary Definition (by Finshaggy)

A Marijuana Advocate and Breeder from Texas (Now living in the recreationally legal state of Colorado), who post pictures/videos/articles/ideas/theories and helpful advice/tips, all over the internet in an attempt to educate people. Not only about Marijuana, but the world around us as well. You can find him easily in an online search(Google search FinShaggy), and he is very friendly if you speak to him like a human being... But if you talk shit, he will come back with shit talk EVERY time, like snaps from back in the 80's. So, if you don't want shit talk coming your way, don't talk shit to him.

He is stalked constantly online by trolls (because when they talk shit, he talks shit back and they take it personally), which only serves to expand his notoriety. But he will soon be a well known player in not only the medical, but recreational Marijuana Industry all over America.
Why does FinShaggy get hated on so much?

I learned how to make has0h from watching FinShaggy on YouTube.

I searched FinShaggy on Google, and there were over 20 pages about him.

Have you seen the pictures of FinShaggy's X girlfriends, you should look them up.

FinShaggy keeps those trolls in check, it's like he's a magnet that keeps them in a cage.

FinShaggy is the most well known member of RIU

I want to go to Colorado and meet FinShaggy
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