Only Smoke Marijuana if You Want a Healthy Brain


What's her name? I wanna check her out on facebook.
Like @Gary Goodson , I am probably guilty of giving Fin support when I first signed on. You see, without context, you don't realize what an utter fuckhead this guy is. What you see is him doing some cut and paste and you figure "ok, the guy seems to want to have some high level conversation". And you see a dozen people troll the fuck out of him. AT FIRST it seems one sided.

But you immediately get indications that you are terribly, terribly wrong - usually from Fin himself. You realize that, despite the copy and paste, he has no idea what he was talking about. Then you click one of his links and see the dissipated, dirty guru in the flesh. One Google later, you fully appreciate what a leach this POS really is and realize that the Internet would be better off without him.

After a day or two of reading his posts, you realize that this walking, talking, ass-clown is an egotistical, delusional asshole. By the end of the first week, you really hate him for his total prick attitude. You realize that he completely lacks humility and sense of humor.

But nothing makes me hate him more than knowing that he relies on occasional contacts from people who don't hate him yet for permanent support. Anything you do to help him becomes a brick in his foundation to continue being a tampon. You know, I kind of like hating on him. More than i like to admit. I like knowing that he works me into his worldview and imagines me following him to other forums in order to avoid facing the fact that he is universally reviled. Of all the people who ever say LOL, nobody's LOLs make me laugh like Fin's. Nah, don't ban him. He is a modern day icon of how fucking stupid a human can be. The Internet was tailor made for crazies like him and they will always be here.

Someday I am going to meet him. Shitbags like him are always on the scene trying of Rasputin a person or two. From what I know of the Denver noob migration, there are people all over the country who have similarly tenuous grasps of reality surging in. I think it will be fun. I hope somebody does a reality show - "the total dipshits of Denver". Seriously, I have met a couple of Finshaggyesque losers this summer. Bullshit mysticism draws these Crowley-loving fuckwads, and cannabis has been associated with bullshit mysticism like any other illegal substance has. It will change.

I've always been a bit too fond of schadenfreude.

Me and Fin. It's complicated ;).
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Someone on another site asked me for more info, so I thought I would share it here too:

My brother died and actually could have been saved if the Doctors in the Hospital would have checked my research quicker. So I know a little about it.

If you look up 2-AG, it is a Cannabinoid that is not hard to make, everyone should know about it because it can save a life if someone gets brain trauma or a stroke or anything like that.

The words you want to look up to learn about this stuff is "Neurogenesis" which is when new brain cells are born. Then there is "Nueroprotectant" which is when it protects your brain before it gets damaged.
New brain cells are never created, brain cells cannot multiply.
I haven't been on for a while. But so far reading from first post. I don't understand why everyone is shitting on the op. He is sharing info he has researched on and putting it on Rui for discussion. I have also read a lot about effects of mj on doing great thing for the brain and other stuff. I really don't get it. Why is everyone trolling hating. if you stumble across some really good information that can be researched to see the truth of it. Why would you want to try to stop it. It can help many many ppl.
Another thing I don't get is why Clayton bigsby isn't getting reported it get a warning for the obviously rude behavior
Fin is a shameless spammer, always has been

He only does it for bit pennys

He don't give a fuck about no one, he grows plants that are suppper unhealthy and calls it his techniq

He steals information without citing it and claims wikipedia as his own mind.

Ignore the fin son, there's a reason everyone's hating on him...