Please help Burned leaves?


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn and the leaves are doing the dreaded claw. Flush it and start back at 1/4 strength and PH the water after you add the nutes.


looks like nute burn and the leaves are doing the dreaded claw. Flush it and start back at 1/4 strength and PH the water after you add the nutes.
I've already harvested twice and never had this problem with same strength of nuets.
Also I literall flushed about 2 weeks ago and since then is when the plant started to look like this. I flushed by putting the plants in the sink and running about 4 gallons of ph'd water thru them plants are in 5 gallon pots. Thanks for your opinions please let me know what if this changes your mind or if you still think it's nuet burn ?


Well-Known Member
can be salt build up also , not really shure . but a good flush with 1/4 strg nutrients ph'ed water , at least 3 or 4 times the pot size , would be the way to go .


Well-Known Member
Id hit it with an all purpose fert like jacks or mg. Half strength. Check ur Ph. A dolo lime drench wont hurt either.


Well-Known Member
Soil does look pretty wet and the plastic pots drain poorly. You can try new soil and in the future you might want to switch to SmartPots. They come in all sizes and they help keep you roots happy.