root question


Active Member
well i was transplantin my plant 2 a bigger pot and most of the roots ripped off will it die or will it just stunt it for a couple of weeks??


Well-Known Member
did the main tap root get ripped off too?

if it didn't then you should be ok


Well-Known Member
oh damn son, make sure it has no other stresses in its life, and give it some lovin


Active Member
dam it was a nice lil indica plant to thats gay.....well guess its gna b a soil plant 4 its life thanx 4 the input on my problem


Well-Known Member
The local hydro shop, or a ton of places online. How did you lose that much root mass? Usually when I transplant, I run a butter knife or a similar device to loosen the roots from the walls of the bucket, or pot. Try to run the knife in between the dirt and the side of the pot as far down as it will reach, stay against the side of the pot as much as possible so you don't damage the roots much. Do that around the whole perimeter of the pot. Then what I do, is turn the whole pot on its side and get ahold of the stalk, then proceed to dump it upside down gently sliding it into my hand, removing the entire clod from the pot in one piece, with occasional loose dirt falling off. Hope that helps. Peace


Well-Known Member
easy,u removed way to much roots,u didnt nurse it the right way.u shouldve moved the light like 3ft away and misted the leaves and give it a longer dark period till it perked back up