This Is Why US Healthcare Sucks


Well-Known Member
So, why am I the smart ass when I have to pull teeth to get you to back your claims?
Typical. Avoids the question by trying to divert the discussion.

Pulling teeth? Don't be so dramatic, it makes you look like a bitch.


Well-Known Member
The problem is the very sick get triage into the same line with the not so sick, for diagnostics.

The tax rate in these UHC countries dwarf our rate. The heathcare is plain vinilla for all, if you are well.

But, what gets lost in UHC is you suffer and die early if you are sick. And I guess you just suffer patriotically. You don't have free Press in these countries, so what happens to individuals is very similar to the Veterans scandal, but just not reported.
Please cite your claims. Using the following as reference:

Claim 1: "Tax rate in UHC countries dwarf our rate."
Claim 2: "Healthcare is plain vanilla for all, if you are well."
Claim 3: You suffer and die early if you are sick, in a UHC.
Claim 4: "You don't have free press in these countries, so what happens .... just not reported."

My opinion on:
Claim 1: We have lower tax rates among all competing industrialized nations. This is irrespective to healthcare.
Claim 2: Common sense and reality says different.
Claim 3: I don't know this statistic, but I find it hard to believe. Will need evidence to this.
Claim 4: Don't believe you.


Well-Known Member
The tax rate in these UHC countries dwarf our rate. The heathcare is plain vinilla for all, if you are well.

But, what gets lost in UHC is you suffer and die early if you are sick. And I guess you just suffer patriotically. You don't have free Press in these countries, so what happens to individuals is very similar to the Veterans scandal, but just not reported.
everything you just typed is garbage from a stupid person with no basis in fact whatsoever.

take your fucking meds, doer.


Well-Known Member
i just received the bill from an ER visit i made in september.

it started off bad enough. $28 and change for 20 ml of lidocaine. i could get my hands on that much lidocaine for about $1.40.

ditto on the whatever else they gave me. about $30 each for about $2 worth of two other drugs.

then came the topper. i asked for an itemized bill showing the basis of their charges, and they just wrote "ER 3: $2096".

i called to dispute the charges. after 6 minutes and 37 seconds and pressing exactly 66 buttons on my phone, i was able to speak to a live person.

if you pay these inflated amounts, they will charge these inflated amounts. do not pay them what is superfluous.


Well-Known Member
i just received the bill from an ER visit i made in september.

it started off bad enough. $28 and change for 20 ml of lidocaine. i could get my hands on that much lidocaine for about $1.40.

ditto on the whatever else they gave me. about $30 each for about $2 worth of two other drugs.

then came the topper. i asked for an itemized bill showing the basis of their charges, and they just wrote "ER 3: $2096".

i called to dispute the charges. after 6 minutes and 37 seconds and pressing exactly 66 buttons on my phone, i was able to speak to a live person.

if you pay these inflated amounts, they will charge these inflated amounts. do not pay them what is superfluous.

I have been disputing a bill for an er bill that was paid by my insurance. I have proof. Every once in a while a bill shows up and then we start over. This has been going on for ten years.


Well-Known Member
I have been disputing a bill for an er bill that was paid by my insurance. I have proof. Every once in a while a bill shows up and then we start over. This has been going on for ten years.
Both your problem and UB's problem is not the insurance company's fault, nor is it the government's fault. It is solely the fault of the hospital, which is run like a business with little regulation to stop it from these sort of criminal and unethical activities.


Well-Known Member
I have been disputing a bill for an er bill that was paid by my insurance. I have proof. Every once in a while a bill shows up and then we start over. This has been going on for ten years.
i enjoyed disputing my bill. it was fun to me. doing my part to lower american health care costs.


Well-Known Member
Both your problem and UB's problem is not the insurance company's fault, nor is it the government's fault. It is solely the fault of the hospital, which is run like a business with little regulation to stop it from these sort of criminal and unethical activities.
this is correct. i would dispute the bill even if the insurance company covered it all, which they did not. i refuse to let health care providers get away with a 2000% markup on anything. that is criminal, and wrecks my erection.


Well-Known Member
Chronic obesity has hormonal influences as its root cause. Chemicals, especially placitcizers, can easily mimic our hormones, and cause enormous metabolic changes. This is further exacerbated when bad microbes set up camp in your gut.

Both of these can happen simultaneously, despite higher physical activity. For some people this is a perfect storm, and you wind up with an 800 pound person
Very interesting. I will look into this.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, in the face of starvation the body will relinquish and burn the fat. Short of abject starvation, which has no basis in reality, the hormones cause the body to retain the fat un-naturally.


Well-Known Member
IF a person with Chronic Obesity is fed nothing for 2 months, but he has all the water he needs, will he still be fat?
I've seen this almost. A 450 lber went liquid for 3 mos.,had an additive that made a weak shake type of thing, guess it was vits. mins.and some fiber, melted him away to about 275. he then gave up and went back to 450.


Well-Known Member
The hormone mimicry comes from some lotions, soaps, deodorant and other common products. Even top shelf stuff. There are natural alternatives for all of these items, however.

An interesting Google is Pre-flourinated compounds and the Immune System Response. The PFC's are Teflon, Gor-Tex, non-stick pans, Scotchguard, flame repellant fabric, etc. Essentially, the higher the blood levels of PFC, the lower your immune response. So low in fact, that kids can't even generate an immune response when immunized. This is what led researchers to the connection between PFC's and Immune Response.


Well-Known Member
The hormone mimicry comes from some lotions, soaps, deodorant and other common products. Even top shelf stuff. There are natural alternatives for all of these items, however.

An interesting Google is Pre-flourinated compounds and the Immune System Response. The PFC's are Teflon, Gor-Tex, non-stick pans, Scotchguard, flame repellant fabric, etc. Essentially, the higher the blood levels of PFC, the lower your immune response. So low in fact, that kids can't even generate an immune response when immunized. This is what led researchers to the connection between PFC's and Immune Response.
I was just going to say that....