Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.

Buck and see4.

If you take the free shit and the subsidies out of your kool aid this is what I found to be true. Both you guys are full of shit.

Unsubsidized premiums were found to have increased from 2013 to 2014 across all groups examined. Average premium costs for 23-year-old women and men increased 44.9% and 78.2% respectively after the ACA’s implementation. For 63-year-olds the increase was 37.5% for women and only 22.7% for men. Young men had the highest premium increase (78.2%) among the groups examined while senior men had the smallest increase (22.7%) though senior men had the highest baseline premium in 2013 against which their 2014 increases were calculated.

Average premiums in each state varied widely across the United States. New York had the highest average monthly premiums in 2014 for 23- and 30-year-olds ($460) because premium rates in New York are constant between the ages of 21 and 64.1 Vermont, which also had constant premium rates, had the lowest average monthly premium for 63-year-olds ($433).

Hawaii had the lowest average monthly premiums for both 23- and 30-year-olds ($190 and $216 respectively), while Virginia had the highest average monthly premiums for 63-year-olds ($1,101). A contributing factor to Virginia’s premium averages was the availability of special health plans in the state (usually costing over $1,500 a month) that covered gastric bypasses and bariatric surgery.2Gastric bypasses and bariatric surgery are among the most frequent medical services excluded by Affordable Care Act health plans.3

Average Monthly Premium Costs in 2014 by Age and State

STATEAverage monthly
premium age 23Average monthly
premium age 30Average monthly
premium age 63
NEW HAMPSHIRE$287$326$847
NEW JERSEY$325$369$959
NEW MEXICO$199$226$588
NEW YORK$460$460$460
NORTH CAROLINA$249$283$736
NORTH DAKOTA$259$294$764
RHODE ISLAND$219$253$656
SOUTH CAROLINA$266$302$787
SOUTH DAKOTA$296$336$874
WEST VIRGINIA$307$349$908
UNITED STATES$258$292$741
Buck and see4.

If you take the free shit and the subsidies out of your kool aid this is what I found to be true.

If you take tax, title, registration, mark-up, transportation costs and dealer fees out of the equation, cars are cheap as fuck.

Besides that, the citations for the "study" were from the company itself. 2 minor citations from Kaiser, who as a whole contradict this pseudo "research" website. Which by the way is run by 2 former eHealth executives, who "were" in the business of making money off folks buying insurance plans.
If you take tax, title, registration, mark-up, transportation costs and dealer fees out of the equation, cars are cheap as fuck.

Besides that, the citations for the "study" were from the company itself. 2 minor citations from Kaiser, who as a whole contradict this pseudo "research" website. Which by the way is run by 2 former eHealth executives, who "were" in the business of making money off folks buying insurance plans.


I showed you my letter about my increase and it jives with the study so you are spinning a shit web for the gruber idiots.

I showed you my letter about my increase and it jives with the study so you are spinning a shit web for the gruber idiots.

all independent agencies come to the same conclusion: premiums are going up at 3-4%, which is about half as much as they were going up for the 20 years previous.

all your hatred and denial of reality only makes you that much more of a laughing stock, especially with your 400 pound wife, near illiteracy, and inbred bigotry.
Republicans did well in the midterm election because democrats that ran moved right and progressives don't want republican light, they want... progressives.

The ACA has been an overwhelming success, democrats ran against it and they got their asses handed to them. Shocking!
Yeah, Pubs taking all those seats was a win for the Democrats! You are such a fool.

I can see why you push the political version of the increase at 4% But I showed you the unpolitical version that does not included the free shit and that makes you look like a retard. The real increase for the first year was well over 20% through all age groups with no subsidies. So you are full of shit

oh, you are a bitter little illiterate bigot.

have fun in your little delusions there. that alternate reality must be tough to keep up.
By jealous leftists who can't stand the fact they have more viewers than the others.

we're all just so jealous that people like you who serially watch fox news are less informed than those who watch no news at all.

that empirically proven fact makes me very jealous.

I showed you my letter about my increase and it jives with the study so you are spinning a shit web for the gruber idiots.

Interestingly enough, my insurance, through Obamacare is $60+ LESS per month, for a better package. Go figure.

Anecdotes are fun!

I'm not spinning anything bud. I'm just telling you how it is, providing you with the facts. It bites your ass that you want things to be a certain way so badly, but reality just doesn't dictate it that way.
By jealous leftists who can't stand the fact they have more viewers than the others.

I'd like to apologize for picking on your before, for you burning your family alive. It was wrong of me to do that. I hope they are ok.
Interestingly enough, my insurance, through Obamacare is $60+ LESS per month, for a better package. Go figure.

Anecdotes are fun!

I'm not spinning anything bud. I'm just telling you how it is, providing you with the facts. It bites your ass that you want things to be a certain way so badly, but reality just doesn't dictate it that way.


Well I provided you with the facts without the subsidies. I don't like adding the free shit with the facts. 60.00 less thats pretty good, savor the moment.

Well I provided you with the facts

no you didn't. you cited the cherrypicked work of 3 people with unknown credentials.

i have cited the work of multiple independent agencies whose work has been the standard measuring tool for decades.

you bleat partisan hack talking points and then shelter yourself in the blue states that you hate so much.

you are slightly smarter than a fish and your wife weighs 400 pounds.

Well I provided you with the facts without the subsidies. I don't like adding the free shit with the facts. 60.00 less thats pretty good, savor the moment.

"I don't like adding the free shit with the facts." -- AKA "I like spinning the truthiness of things."

Let me ask you, what would be a better alternative to what we have now, in terms of healthcare insurance reform? Can you lay out a plan that is better?
"I don't like adding the free shit with the facts." -- AKA "I like spinning the truthiness of things."

Let me ask you, what would be a better alternative to what we have now, in terms of healthcare insurance reform? Can you lay out a plan that is better?


The truth would be the best thing for sure. I don't like it when the left tries to use political number crunching to come up with 4%.

Oregon had a health care plan for everybody before obama care so the dems should have checked it out before they tried to reinvent the wheel. The program I was in was called OMIP and anybody could have purchased that insurance no matter what but it wasn't free, and they had medicade for the poor people. What I liked about the OMIP was they didn't raise there rate the few years I was in the program.

The truth would be the best thing for sure. I don't like it when the left tries to use political number crunching to come up with 4%.

Oregon had a health care plan for everybody before obama care so the dems should have checked it out before they tried to reinvent the wheel. The program I was in was called OMIP and anybody could have purchased that insurance no matter what but it wasn't free, and they had medicade for the poor people. What I liked about the OMIP was they didn't raise there rate the few years I was in the program.

And the state of Oregon decided to do away with it? How is this Obama's fault?

Please note, Massachusetts had/has a similar setup as you describe Oregon to be, and you are still entitled to RomneyCare in that state.
And the state of Oregon decided to do away with it? How is this Obama's fault?

Please note, Massachusetts had/has a similar setup as you describe Oregon to be, and you are still entitled to RomneyCare in that state.


The letter I got from the state said it no longer will offer the OMIP program because of Obamacare was taking over. His name is on it so its a no brainer who's fault it was. Well him and the whole democratic party.