Bill Maher shytes on Obamacare...again.


Well-Known Member

And once again, loony liberal propagandist Bill Maher DARES defy his party talking points to take a stab at the idiocy that is "Obamacare". Amazing. I hope he hasn't placed his safety in jeopardy by daring to defy ze party. Nothing worse to a loony liberal than a loony liberal that thinks for themselves.

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"Too expensive and intentionally confusing."

Really Bill?

If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.

Too fucking late now though kiddies!!!

You dumb motherfuckers asked for it and got exactly what the fuck you deserve. Now your medical insurance companies have access to tax dollars via those corrupt fucking "leaders" you dumb bastards keep electing, and all they're going to do is keep jacking up the cost until it's time to vote on RAISING taxes to meet the new "costs" for providing "free" healthcare to the idiotic masses.

That "healthcare" law needs to be rescinded immediately and passed to the FBI so they can examine the bill, and make the corruption connections they need to hold the legislators and private companies lining their pockets accountable for racketeering, corruption, and bribery.


And once again, loony liberal propagandist Bill Maher DARES defy his party talking points to take a stab at the idiocy that is "Obamacare". Amazing. I hope he hasn't placed his safety in jeopardy by daring to defy ze party. Nothing worse to a loony liberal than a loony liberal that thinks for themselves.

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"Too expensive and intentionally confusing."

Really Bill?

If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.

Too fucking late now though kiddies!!!

You dumb motherfuckers asked for it and got exactly what the fuck you deserve. Now your medical insurance companies have access to tax dollars via those corrupt fucking "leaders" you dumb bastards keep electing, and all they're going to do is keep jacking up the cost until it's time to vote on RAISING taxes to meet the new "costs" for providing "free" healthcare to the idiotic masses.

That "healthcare" law needs to be rescinded immediately and passed to the FBI so they can examine the bill, and make the corruption connections they need to hold the legislators and private companies lining their pockets accountable for racketeering, corruption, and bribery.


how about romneycare?

And once again, loony liberal propagandist Bill Maher DARES defy his party talking points to take a stab at the idiocy that is "Obamacare". Amazing. I hope he hasn't placed his safety in jeopardy by daring to defy ze party. Nothing worse to a loony liberal than a loony liberal that thinks for themselves.

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"Too expensive and intentionally confusing."

Really Bill?

If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.

Too fucking late now though kiddies!!!

You dumb motherfuckers asked for it and got exactly what the fuck you deserve. Now your medical insurance companies have access to tax dollars via those corrupt fucking "leaders" you dumb bastards keep electing, and all they're going to do is keep jacking up the cost until it's time to vote on RAISING taxes to meet the new "costs" for providing "free" healthcare to the idiotic masses.

That "healthcare" law needs to be rescinded immediately and passed to the FBI so they can examine the bill, and make the corruption connections they need to hold the legislators and private companies lining their pockets accountable for racketeering, corruption, and bribery.



I believe that in 2016 the dems will get another devastating blow to there power to do much, and the ACA will be over hauled to make more sense. I believe that we have been lied to about the success of the ACA and the truth will come out as soon as the last dem gets the boot.

The stupid voters will have much bigger fines to pay over the next to years and that is the "pay up suckers" and they have it coming for not paying attention. So time to pay up suckers.
umm, the repubs did fairly well in the last elections..
Republicans did well in the midterm election because democrats that ran moved right and progressives don't want republican light, they want... progressives.

The ACA has been an overwhelming success, democrats ran against it and they got their asses handed to them. Shocking!
You're not so good at making political predictions there Nostradamus..


I predicted the National boot in the ass day and it went over like a tsunami. And if you noticed that was in 2014. And I will predict that the same thing will happen in 2016 the way things are going, but I will wait a little longer to start a new thread for that one.

I guess you think the Dems are winning?

I predicted the National boot in the ass day and it went over like a tsunami. And if you noticed that was in 2014. And I will predict that the same thing will happen in 2016 the way things are going, but I will wait a little longer to start a new thread for that one.

I guess you think the Dems are winning?
You're delusional so that's expected

I guarantee you a republican will not win the 2016 general election

Quote it
umm, the repubs did fairly well in the last elections..

the party opposing the incumbent president always does well in midterms. always.

and republicans benefit from low turnouts, and we had the lowest turnout of any election in 70+ years.
the party opposing the incumbent president always does well in midterms. always.

and republicans benefit from low turnouts, and we had the lowest turnout of any election in 70+ years.


Is that an excuse for people being lazy? It looks to me like the democratic voters are that stupid and they forgot to vote because they are that stupid.

Is that an excuse for people being lazy? It looks to me like the democratic voters are that stupid and they forgot to vote because they are that stupid.
It could also be that people were feeling like "300 Million people and these two are the best we can come up with? think I'll just get my haircut instead".

The left who are against warmongering (and had eyes and logic) stayed home, the religious right who look at Mormonism as a cult stayed home.

It was a very uninspiring election, the main inspiration was hate and a lot of votes were for "not him". Would love to see exit poll numbers on who voted against instead of for.
If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.

That's so completely incorrect. You shouldn't spread such BS.

Affordable Care Act is an insurance program, not health care
That's so completely incorrect. You shouldn't spread such BS.

Affordable Care Act is an insurance program, not health care


If people get free health care it is health care. If people pay for insurance it is insurance for health care. So you forgot about the free shit.
That's completely incorrect. One pays for services, the other IS the service.

It was stated that Obamacare was the same as the VA and that's absolutely not the case at all.

Obamacare is insurance related, while the VA is the health care provider
It was stated that Obamacare was the same as the VA and that's absolutely not the case at all.

Both are tax funded.
Both involve management from the federal government.
Both are inefficient, and in some cases, completely ineffective.

The VA system, if not the entire military medical system, was an excellent example to use showing how disgustingly fucked up health care becomes when it is bureaucratized at the federal level. Lots of money to the program. Lots of bureaucrats. Not a lot of service though.

The ACA is a ridiculous nanny state concept that is designed to do little more than enrich those that line the politicians pockets with tax payer dollars. It's a fucking disgrace, and should be abolished whole scale.
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Words. You're just stringing together words.

One is Payment.

One is Care

Perhaps it suits you to sorta ball up these concepts and throw them out there amongst your friends who all speak the same hateful language. In the real world, however, your merging of these concepts is factually very incorrect.